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2022-23 Non-League Competitions

2022-23 Non-league competitions – dates, details and results

2022-23 PDI League

2022-23 PDI League – latest league tables and galleries of winning images

2022-23 Print League

2022-23 Print League – latest league tables and galleries of winning images

My Membership Online

My Membership Online

My Membership Online – an introduction to our new membership system and why we chose it. Usage notes and links.

wne 2024 logo with date

Winchester National Exhibition 2024

WNE 2024: the ninth Winchester National Exhibition, details and rules

Notes for new members

information for those thinking of joining or who have just joined the Society

Joining WPS

Joining – details of how to join using our online membership system

Membership benefits

Membership benefits – a summary of the events and activities available to members of Winchester Photographic Society

Join WPS

Fill in this simple form to ask to join WPS.

The Arc

WPS Tuesday Meetings

WPS Tuesday meetings – the most important part of our programme with competitions and guest speakers, Tuesday evenings in the Winchester Discovery Centre

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – useful information about the Society’s activities for new members or anyone thinking about joining.


Renewing Current Membership – details of how to renew using our online membership system

Committee Agendas/Minutes

Agendas and minutes of committee meetings

Annual Exhibition 2024 Gallery

Annual Exhibition 2024 – gallery of the winners and accepted entries

Facebook most ‘liked’ images

Gallery of the  most ‘liked’ images of last month from our members’ Facebook page

2020-21 Print Round 1

2020-21 Print League Round 1

2020-21 Print Round 1 – results and gallery of best images

2020-12 PDI League Round 1

2020-21 PDI League Round 1

2020-21 PDI League Round 1 – Judge: Maria Leekblade. View winning and held back images and league results to date

3 November – Gavin Bowyer

3 November – watch again – Gavin Bowyer’s Past President’s evening – using photography to improve treatment of wounds, to support wildlife and portraiture

2020-21 Print Round 2

2020-21 Print League Round 2

2020-21 Print Round 2 Tuesday 10 November – results and winning images