
2022-23 Print League

2022-23 Print League Results by Round


Print Round 1

Date: Tuesday 11 October
Location: The Arc
Judge: Carl Reeve LMPA


Print Round 2

Date: Tuesday 1 November
Location: The Arc
Judge: Giles Barkley


Print Round 3 (mono)

Date:Tuesday 14 February
Location: The Arc
Judge: Andrew Mills MA (Photo) ARPS


Print Round 4

Date: Tuesday 21 March
Location: The Arc
Judge: Chris Dixon ARPS


Print Round 5

New Date: Tuesday 23 May
(was 16 May)
Location: The Arc
Judge: Jason Hyde CPAGB

Print League Table for 2022-23

At the end of the season a trophy is awarded to the winner of each league.

If a tie occurs, the trophy is awarded to the person with the greatest number of first, then second, then third places and finally Highly Commended.

If there is still a tie, the trophy will be shared.

This season, there was a photo finish in the Beginners’ class where three members finished on 25 points. After countback, Peter Henderson and Stephen Line share the trophy. Commiserations to Katie Wooding who just missed out.

This countback system for resolving ties is now implemented in the spreadsheet below for every round.

Winning and Held Back Entries By Round

At the end of Print Round 3, the winner of the competition for the best mono image for 2023 was decided by public vote of the members present.

The overall winner, and winner of the FB Heathcote-Wride Old Symmetrical trophy for the best mono image, was the Proud Shopkeeper by Anne Ruffell.

In the gallery below, click on any pane to see the winning and held back images in that round and class

A=Advanced, B=Beginners, G=Gold, I=Intermediate

See also the Internal Competition Image Archive

Entry instructions short version – for long version see Print Submission Instructions

By the end of the Friday before the competition

  • Decide which image you are going to enter
  • Upload it via PhotoEntry


  • Make sure your print is prepared, mounted and labelled
  • Bring it along on Competition night

click to show details

Location: The Arc

Judge: Carl Reeve LMPA DipPP

About Carl Reeve

Carl Reeve
image copyright Onsite Photos
reproduced by permission

Carl Reeve is a member of Locksheath and Sarisbury Camera Club.

Carl is a Level 2+ judge on the SCPF circuit.

He joined the SCPF panel of judges in December 2018 and was upgraded to a Level 2 in September 2019.

In 2012 he achieved his Licentiate of the Master Photographers’ Association in Portrait Photography.

Carl runs his own business, Onsite Photos, covering Wedding, Event, Portrait and Model & Fashion photography.

For more information see:

Last updated 8 July 2024

Location: The Arc

We are grateful to Roger Creber for standing in when the originally scheduled judge, Giles Barkley, was unable to attend.

Judge: Roger Creber ARPS EFIAP DPAGB

About Roger Creber

Roger is an award-winning professional freelance photographer with a portfolio of over 100,000 travel and landscape images from the UK and many overseas locations.

The New Forest national Park website tells us that

Roger is a professional photographer and has been based in the New Forest since 2008. He has developed a passion for making landscape images of the area and specialises in tree and woodland subjects using traditional and creative techniques.

Roger held a successful photographic exhibition in May 2013 at Hanger Farm Arts Centre in Totton. He was one of the tutors for Twin Oaks Photographic Workshops teaching clients how to improve their forest and coastal photography. His photographic greetings and Christmas cards are on sale at village stores throughout the New Forest area and at Furzey Gardens near Minstead.

Roger has been an active member of Southampton Camera Club for many years and President from 2017-202. He is also a member of Molesey Photographic Club in the Surrey Photographic Association.

Roger has been judging for the SCPF since February 2020 and is now a level 2 Judge.

He also gives lectures, particularly on the New Forest through the seasons.

See also

image copyright Roger Creber Photography

Last updated 9 July 2024

Location: The Arc

Many thanks to Andrew Mills who, at short notice, replaced the originally scheduled judge, Ken Scott.

Judge and speaker: Andrew Mills MA (Photo) MEd CertEd ARPS

About Andrew Mills

According to Andrew’s website

Andrew is a professional photographer specialising in Advertising, Editorial and Commercial photography.

He has a professional practice covering all aspects of Studio and Location work, advertising, editorial, documentary and commercial projects for a broad range of clients.

Andrew is a qualified lecturer on all aspects of photography, from beginners to degree level.

He has staged exhibitions on a wide range of photographic subjects. He also runs Workshops, Talks, Lectures and Courses for to photographic clubs and societies.

One of the subjects in his talks/workshop portfolio is “Methods for Critique and Evaluation – Judging Club Photography”. His workshop notes include a useful “cheat sheet” on Analysis and Judgement of Amateur Photography

Andrew is a member of the Ordnance Survey Photographic Society

Andrew Mills

We’ve welcomed Andrew as our judge several times. He is a senior (Level 3) judge on the SCPF circuit.

In 2021-22, he was our judge for PDI Round 1. In 2020-21, he judged Print Round 1, and in 2019 he was a judge for the WPS Annual Exhibition

See also:

Andrew Mills Photography website:  Photomills

Last updated 8 July 2024

Location: The Arc

Judge: Chris Dixon ARPS

About Chris Dixon

Chris Dixon took up photography after retiring in 2010.

He got so involved with his new hobby that he decided it should be self-funding and set up Chris Dixon Photography.

Chris joined Horndean Camera Club in in 2015 and is now (2022) its chairman.

The club claims to have found the right balance between a high standard of photography and a relaxed approach. The Horndean website says

“We take our photography seriously, without taking ourselves seriously at the same time”.

Chris gained his LRPS in November 2015 and his ARPS in May 2017. His qualification as a judge on the SCPF circuit was announced in January 2022.

For more information, see

50th Anniversary logo © Horndean Camera Club

Last updated 9 July 2024

Location: The Arc (rescheduled from 16 May)

Judge: Jason Hyde CPAGB

About Jason Hyde

Jason is the webmaster for SCPF and a member of Cricklade Camera Club

He qualified as an SCPF judge in December 2018, was upgraded to a Level 2 judge in February 2020 and is now a Level 3 judge.

His photographic interests include Macro, Astrophotography, Nature and Portraits.

Jason is the webmaster for SCPF

Last updated 8 July 2024

We encourage members to come to the meeting in the Arc.

But if you are self-isolating or otherwise unable to attend in person, you can follow the evening online.

Logon details are published in the weekly email members’ newsletter preceding the meeting, and another email to all members on the day of the meeting.

If you are a member, please login to display the archive of recent newsletters

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