Judge: Louis Rumis MPAGB EFIAP

About Louis

Louis is one of the new generation of SCPF judges announced in December 2018 and who were promoted to Level 2 in February 2020.

Like fellow judge Maria Leekblade, Louis is a member of Lymington Camera Club.

He is a former member of Highcliffe & Infinity Photography Club where he held various committee roles including four years as chairman.

Louis is well known for his nature photography.

He is a member of the Nature Photographers’ Portfolio and has run Wildlife workshops for Lymington CC.

His image “Wildlife Photographer” won the People’s Choice award at the SCPF Exhibition in 2018.

SCPF Exhibition 2018: People’s Choice

From the SCPF Newsletter, February 2018

click image to enlarge

“Wildlife Photographer” © Louis Rumis MPAGB EFIAP

Last updated 9 July 2024