
PDI Image Upload Instructions

Print Submissions

Since 2021-22, members need to upload a digital version of their print entry a week before the competition night.
This replaces the entry form which members had to complete and bring along on the night.
Please follow the PDI Upload instructions below for images of your print entries, as well as for PDI competitions.

We introduced competition image upload using PhotoEntry for the 2021-22 season.

Click on one of the tabs below to display the short or long version of the instructions.

PDI Upload from 2020/21 onwards

From the 2020/21 season WPS started to use an external service, PhotoEntry, for PDI competition uploads.

We hope it will make the upload process easier for members and for our projectionist.

Its benefits include image dimension checking and simpler image naming.

It also works with our projection software, Film Free Projection.

Several other clubs in the SCPF are already using PhotoEntry.

From the 2021-22 season, we are asking members to upload digital copies of their Print Competition entries before judging night.

Simple Steps for a PDI Upload

You should have received an email from PhotoEntry with a temporary password.

Then you should have visited the PhotoEntry site to set a permanent password.

To submit an image:

  1. Login at http://compent.photoentry.uk/compent/
  2. Select the current season
  3. Choose the competition (for example, PDI Round 1)
  4. Click on Add New Entry
  5. Enter the title you want to use for your entry
  6. Click Add this Entry
  7. Select a JPG image from your device (with colour profile sRGB). It should be max 1920 wide, 1200 high. The system will resize it if necessary, but you’ll get more predictable quality if you get the size right yourself.
  8. Press Upload Image

That’s it. It doesn’t matter what the filename is, because you specify the title before you upload.

You can go back and change the title and/or replace the image before the closing date.

We don’t recommend this approach, but if you took the image on a smartphone and are happy to submit it without any post-processing, you can upload it from your phone and let the software take care of resizing it.

The best way to view these instructions is probably to view fullscreen.

These instructions are obsolete – retained for historical comparison purposes only

2019-20 season Image Upload Instructions

PDI League

Make sure you leave only one file correctly named for the PDI competition.

The WPS Competition Naming Convention is:-
X = B for beginners, I for intermediate, A for advanced, G for Gold  (all uppercase)
Name is your full name with the initial characters capitalised, spaces are allowed between each name
Title is the title you have chosen for your image. The first letter of each constituent part of the title must be uppercase, and again use spaces between words

Please do not use all capitals for either name or title. Spaces are required where shown. Not putting them means some of the automatic processes may not include your image in the PDI entries.

The separator is an underscore NOT a hyphen
For example:- B_John Smith_My Best Sunset or in full on the computer, B_John Smith_My Best Sunset.jpg
This is for an image by John Smith who is in the Beginners’ class, and his image is called “My Best Sunset”

The upload instructions. – Updated 09-January-2017

See New Image Upload Facility for a brief Q&A and background about why we made the change.

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