Notes for new members
We are proud of our extensive range of activities for members.
Our regular Tuesday night Programme is a mix of talks and presentations by inspirational speakers from all areas of the photographic world along with internal and inter-club print and projected image competitions, and practical guidance/assessment sessions. Many meetings also include member-run advice sessions, either before the meeting starts or in the break.
We also run workshops and tutorials normally on a Wednesday night, held at the meeting rooms at Williams Garage in Otterbourne, just outside Winchester or sometimes at the Littleton Millennium Memorial Hall.
Also on Wednesdays at the same venues we have a number of special interest group meetings, including our very popular Projects Group.
This season’s full programme can be viewed here.
The Society also holds a number of social activities throughout the season and during the summer recess; photowalks, summer barbecue, Christmas social, and so on.
See the Membership section for more detailed information about the benefits of membership of the Society
If you’re thinking about becoming a member, why not
- Come along to a Tuesday evening meeting as a visitor. The visitor fee (currently £10) will be refunded if you join.
- Browse this website to see the kind of things we get up to, including meetings, workshops, photowalks and special Interest groups.
- Check out the Membership FAQ which may help answer some questions you hadn’t thought of asking.

You can join online
Just go to the Joining WPS page and follow the instructions.

To help new members feel at home and involved, we have several special initiatives:
Newcomers’ Welcome Point at Tuesday meetings: There is an area just inside the entrance to the Arc which is organised and manned by our Members’ Representatives. It is open before meetings start and during the refreshment break. Here you will be greeted by friendly faces, have a chance to get to know other new members as well as established ones, and ask any questions you may have about the Society.
Mentoring Programme: You can choose to have an experienced member as your mentor, to help you understand the choice of activities and to help with any photographic queries or issues. Ask one of the Member Reps.
Groups and Workshops: We normally run a Welcome workshop for new members early in the season, though this had to be suspended during lockdown.
We also run several special interest groups (SIGs) such as Beginners’ Group, Improvers’ Groups, and Projects Group on other nights of the week.
As a member of the Society there are several other initiatives that are available to you:
- You will be added to the distribution list of our weekly Newsletter that keeps you updated on all the happenings in the Society
- You can, if you wish, be connected to our internal Facebook Group where we share ideas and images
- You can talk to our Competition Secretary about entering internal competitions
New members are always welcome.
We’ve put together these notes for new members to explain what happens after you’ve joined.
- You will have already joined, set up an id on the WebCollect membership system and paid your membership fee.
- You will use WebCollect to pay subscriptions and book on events which have limited capacity and/or are chargeable.
- Your WebCollect welcome email will be followed by another e-mail, this time from the webmaster, with your id for the main WPS website. Most of our website is publicly accessible, but you will need this id to access members-only content.
- You should also be added to the mailing list for our weekly email newsletter. Watch out for this email on Sunday evenings with reminders about events in the coming week, early notice of future activities and lots of useful snippets of information. Essential reading for active members.
- If you think you’ll enter any of our internal competitions (and we hope you do), you’ll need to use the PhotoEntry system to upload your entries.
- The league competitions are organised into different classes, so that you compete against members of a similar standard.
- If you’re fairly new to photography, you should probably join the Beginners’ Class. Or, if appropriate, you may wish to join one of the classes for more experienced photographers.
- The Competition Secretary will contact you to discuss which Class would suit you best. Then the Digital Secretary will set you up with an id for PhotoEntry.
- The process of entering competitions can seem daunting, but once you’ve attended a few competition evenings you’ll get a feel for how they work. You could consider joining the Beginners’ Special Interest Group.
- Have a look at the Glossary in the Handbook which explains some of the acronyms that may be new to you (SCPF, PAGB, PDI etc).
- Contact one of the Member Reps, by email or by meeting them at the refreshment break on a Tuesday evening. It’s their role to make you feel at home and find out how they can help.
- If you’re a Facebook user, consider joining our members’ Facebook Group to exchange ideas and images with other members. There’s even an informal competition for the most liked member’s image of the month.
- Since lockdown, for members who caught Covid, or were otherwise unable to make a Tuesday meeting, we have been live-streaming most meetings. The members’ newsletter gives detail of how to connect. This service depends on the continued availability of volunteers to run it.