Do you remember the days when we could go out together for enjoyable walkabouts or stand shivering in the dark on a nightshoot at Marchwood Yacht Club?

Until we can restart our outings programme, we’ve set up this page for members to upload their images of photowalks and other WPS outings.
It should be self-explanatory.
You have to be logged in.
To prevent you accidentally changing other members’ images, we’ve limited the changes you can make after upload.
You cannot erase, replace or rename any image after you’ve uploaded it.
Tony Large has the power to make such changes and will be happy to do it for you if you ask him nicely.
You can add or expand the description of your images. We encourage you to add your name or initials to the description. Please do not change the description of other members’ images.
Webmaster’s note: the webmaster may recompress images to conserve our online storage usage.