The Society runs several special interest groups to help members improve or widen the scope of their photography.

We are very grateful to the members who give their time and experience to help run these groups.

Some groups come to an end of their natural life and close themselves down. For example, there was a Smartphone Group when serious photography with smartphones was starting to become possible. The group wound up when smartphone photography became mainstream.

Click on the tabs below for details of the current groups, with meeting dates.

RPS Distinctions Groups

LRPS Distinctions Group

This group encourages members who wish to develop their photographic skills with an aim to achieving their LRPS, the Licentiate level of the Royal Photographic Society – a distinction that is very attainable by club photographers.

With mentoring from two RPS advisors, group members put together a panel of ten images that demonstrate a variety of photographic skills at a competent level.

New members to the group are always welcome: please liaise with Louise Brown initially as spaces may be limited.

Please note that this regular Distinctions Group only assists with preparation for LRPS, not the higher RPS levels (Associate or Fellow).

Contact: Louise Brown LRPS

Use contact form or

(members login to see contact details)


You can view some members’ successful panels in the Distinctions Galleries.

Where we meet

In the Children’s Library area at the Arc, Winchester – see Where we meet

When: Occasional evenings, usually Monday, 7.30-10pm

Planned Meetings

ARPS Distinctions Group

An ARPS group was set up in May 2017 at the request of members to provide advice and focus for those moving on to Associate membership of the RPS. Several of those who came to the meetings have been successful with their “A” panels. 

From the 2019/20 season, the ARPS Distinctions Group stopped its regular series of meetings because of a lack of demand.

Any member thinking of working towards obtaining an ARPS Distinction should contact Louise Brown, email ku.co1730033700sotoh1730033700pniw@1730033700snoit1730033700cnits1730033700id1730033700 to discuss being put in touch with members who have that distinction for some advice and recommendations.

This page is owned by the Distinctions Group. Last updated 13 January 2023.

Beginners’ Group

Group Purpose

The purpose of the Beginners’ Group is to give members who are new to the society, or who wish to develop their photography skills, a smaller, more informal environment in which to learn more about:

  • Their camera and how to use it
  • Basic principles of photography and the taking of pictures
  • Producing images for pleasure and appreciation
  • Entering competitions
  • The Society in general.

As well as addressing specific topics and developing members’ skills and knowledge, the group aims to provide an open forum in which to answer any questions that members may have on photography or on the society.

Planned Sessions

When: First Wednesday of each month, 7.30-10pm

Where: Otterbourne Meeting Rooms

Contact: Eric Blake LRPS:

Use contact form or

(members login to see contact details)

This page is owned by the Beginners’ Group. Last updated 13 January 2023.

Improvers’ Groups 1 and 2

The Improvers’ groups follow on from the Beginners Group and are for members who want continued support and guidance to improve their photography.

Since the season 2020-21 there have been two Improver groups, one at entry level for those progressing from the Beginners’ group and a second group of the original Improvers who wish to advance their photography further.

The groups are relaxed, with an emphasis on members helping each other on all aspects of photography. Eric Blake and Trevor Morecraft attend meets as resident experts.

Improvers 1

When: Last Monday in the month, 7.30pm to 10pm

Where: Littleton Millennium Hall

Improvers 2

When: 2nd Monday in the month, 7.30pm to 10pm

Where: Otterbourne Meeting Rooms

Contact for both groups: Trevor Morecraft and Eric Blake: ku.co1730033700sotoh1730033700pniw@1730033700srevo1730033700rpmi1730033700

Planned Meetings

This page is owned by the Improvers Group. Last updated 13 January 2023

Projects Group

Formerly known as the Panels Group

Panel of fisheye images by Martin Farrow shown at the Panels Group evening 1 December 2020

We are the group who have no rules, no judges, no competitions and no restrictions! We work with groups of images on a theme, rather than the single ones needed for competitions. And we show our work in a very wide range of formats, styles and techniques.

The idea is not to impose any restrictions so you can develop your ideas and let your imagination take you wherever you want to go.

We encourage people to show work, either in progress or complete sets of pictures, and give feedback to help each other develop our ideas.

We display our pictures in any size, shape and technique we feel appropriate; for example unmounted, mounted, framed, in books, foldouts, free standing, or any other way of showing prints you can think of. The number, layout and selection of pictures is entirely up to you.

The aim is to have fun, experiment and be creative in a friendly, relaxed, inspirational and collaborative environment.

We meet every two months to show and discuss our work without the judging, preconceptions or restrictions found in competitions.

During our meetings we see and discuss a huge variety of content, styles and interpretations, either of members’ own projects or the Challenge Topics which we sometimes set to stimulate our thought processes.

A highlight of the year is our very popular annual presentation to the main Society, where members of the Projects Group get to show their work to the whole WPS membership.

Projects Group is open to all WPS members, who are welcome at any of our meetings. There are no sign-up sheets, so just come along, with or without your own work and see what goes on.

Above all else, we are a relaxed group who have lots of laughter and fun!

This was the group’s description when it was the Panels Group, before it reinvented itself as the Projects Group in January 2021.

Working with sets of images rather than one single image gives a greater scope for exploring subjects and narratives, allowing for a wider and deeper interpretation.

The Panels Group facilitates this by having no rules or restrictions on your choice of images.

Diversity of presentational style is encouraged, whether as mounted or unmounted prints or book form. We welcome work in progress.

The idea is to have fun, explore, be creative and experiment in a friendly and collaborative environment.

Bi-monthly meetings provide a forum for discussion, without the constraints of competition or judging.

Topics are often set, or attendees can bring any other panel for discussion.

The group also offers support for members working towards distinctions from the Royal Photographic Society (RPS).

The Panels Group is open to all WPS members. There are no sign-up sheets: just turn up with your panel or as an observer to see what goes on.

Each year there is a Panels Group presentation evening within the society’s main programme.

When: Bi-monthly Wednesdays, 7.30-10pm

Where: Otterbourne Meeting Rooms (when Covid-19 restriction permit); otherwise online.

Contact: Tim Lever using contact form

Annual Reports of the Former Panels Group

Please login to view

This page is owned by the Projects Group.
Updated 16 August 2021 to add imbedded group calendar
Updated 22 February 2021 to update task email address to reflect the new Group name and description.
Updated 13 January 2023 to reflect new group leader