2020-21 PDI League Round 2
2020-21 PDI Round 2 – 24 November
During Covid-19 restrictions, we are holding all PDI (projected digital image) competitions online using GoToMeeting.

Judge: Jon Mitchell
Jon Mitchell has been a member of Gosport Camera Club for many years and is a highly experienced judge on the SCPF circuit.
He has judged our Club competitions several times before and we look forward to welcoming him again.
Upload deadline Weds 18 November
Members please upload your images by the end of Wednesday 18 November 2020.
2020-21 PDI Round 2 – Winning and Held back entries
Click on any pane to see the winning and held back images in that class
A=Advanced, B=Beginners, G=Gold, I=Intermediate
This table will be updated with the results of each PDI round shortly after judging evenings.
Not shown because date is past
Uploading images
Go to compent.photoentry.uk/compent/, login and follow the instructions.
You must upload your entry before the end of Wednesday 18 November.
If you haven’t used PhotoEntry before, see PDI Image Upload Instructions
See also:
I thought I had submitted a Photo for next week’s 24th November PDI 2
I guess I did something wrong as my name is not on entry the list.
Is there a way I can check what was wrong so I don’t do it again please?
Thank you Lynette