WPS Tuesday Meetings
Tuesday nights are not just about the talk/competition, lots of other things can be happening too!
The meetings run from 7.30 until 10pm and consist of several elements.

Main Event
Our evening event usually takes the form of either a talk and presentation on a photography-related subject given by a visiting speaker or a society member, or a members’ competition. You will find details of all of these in the Members’ handbook or the programme page.
New Members
To help new members feel at home and involved, we have several special initiatives:
Newcomers’ Welcome Point:
Early in the season we have a dedicated newcomers’ area during the refreshments break, to the right of the exit doors. Here you will be greeted by friendly faces, have a chance to get to know other new members as well as established ones, and ask any questions you may have about the society.
Mentoring Programme:
You can choose to have an experienced member as your mentor, to answer any questions you may have about the society and to help with any photographic queries or issues.
Groups and Workshops:
You might like to take advantage of the Welcome Workshop that is aimed at any members who have joined in the last 12 months. There is also a Beginners’ Group, usually on the first Wednesday of each month.
Refreshments Break at the Arc
During the half-time refreshments break the Arc Café sells a selection of alcoholic and hot and cold non-alcoholic drinks and light snacks (crisps and biscuits).
The Café is also open before the meeting so you can have some refreshments on arrival or save time by placing your order for interval drinks.
Society Desk
Manned by experienced members from 7pm and during the refreshments breaks on Tuesday evenings, the Society Desk is the place to look at the notice board, collect your Handbook at the beginning of the season, get information about the Royal Photographic Society and ask any society-related questions.
Member Representatives
There are three elected Member Representatives on the WPS committee (see Society Officials). Their role is to understand the views and wishes of the membership and to present these to the committee. Members are encouraged to get to know these representatives.