WPS Summer Lecture 4 – Tue 25 Aug

100 Strangers by Steve Myall

7:30pm Tuesday 25 August Online event

A complete change from the previous week’s summer lecture.

Ian Boulton used a small camera to avoid drawing attention to himself and allow him to take candid street images in Bristol.

Steve Myall describes his approach as “A project to photograph 100 people you’ve never met until the moment you ask if you can take their portrait.

What’s 100 Strangers?

A personal project to improve your technical and interpersonal skills by approaching 100 strangers, getting to know a bit about each one of them, and obtaining their permission to take and post a portrait of them.

How to join the event

The GoToMeeting Link details for WPS Summer Lecture 4 are in Members’ Newsletter 267.
Members can also view them below.

More about 100 Strangers

Some generic details about 100 Strangers Projects to introduce the subject until more details of the lecture are available.

The idea of a project to photograph 100 Strangers has been around for a while.

The aim is to improve your technical and interpersonal skills by approaching strangers, getting to know a bit about each one of them, and obtaining their permission to take and post a portrait of them.

For that reason, “candid” images, taken without the subject’s knowledge or permission, don’t count, and you’re not supposed to take more than one or two images at a single event.

The Flickr 100 Strangers Group was set up on 25 April 2007.

Steve Myall took the first image in his 100 Strangers Project on 11 July 2015.

WPS Summer lecture 4 – how to join

WPS Lecture – Steve Myall – 100 Strangers

Joining details for members only. Please login to display.

100 Strangers on the internet

Just a few of the many items about “100 Strangers” that you can find on the internet.

  1. The Flickr 100 Strangers Group gives rules, recommendations, what not to do, and contains lots of members’ projects.
  2. Neelima Vallangi, in a post dated 13 December 2010, wrote that the The 100 Strangers Project was “initially conceptualized by Teppo“. Teppo Moisio is a journalist from Helsinki.
    Teppo’s own 100 Strangers project started with an image of “Leena the hat lady” taken on 26 April 2007. That image still features on the banner of the Flickr 100 Strangers Group.
  3. How to Photograph Strangers by Matt John Robinson
  4. What I Learned From Shooting 100 Stranger Portraits as a Shy Introvert on PetaPixel.

All images © Steve Myall

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