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Competition Evening 9 November 2021

Competition Evening 9 November 2021

Judge: Jason Hyde CPAGB

Important details about the competitions and how to enter.

New for this year:

Members must register their entries by uploading a PDI version of their image(s) using PhotoEntry not later than Friday 5 November 2021

New location:

because the Discovery Centre is closed for extensive refurbishment, this meeting is in the main hall at Littleton Millennium Memorial Hall

See Where We Meet

This is a special evening of two themed competitions, the Set of Three and the George Walsh Trophy

Each competition works as a single competition open to all members.

We don’t separate the entries into the four different classes which apply on League Competition nights.

Last season we were forced to run all competitions as PDI.

In one half of the evening we will judge the Set of Three.

In the other half we have the George Walsh trophy for documentary and photojournalism. 

For this year’s Competition Night on 9 November 2021 we are able to revert to the traditional print format.

New for this year: members must register their entries by uploading a PDI version of their image(s) using PhotoEntry

Judge: Jason Hyde CPAGB

As well as being a judge, Jason is the webmaster for Overton Photographic Club and for SCPF.

Jason last judged for us in the first lockdown, for the Society Competition Evening in May 2020.

Set of Three

[from the Handbook]

Members submit three printed images that have a single theme, subject or concept of their own choice. All three images are viewed and assessed by the judge at the same time.

The images can be mounted on separate boards or one large one, but the mounting will not be judged.

A maximum of one of the images may have been entered in a previous society competition.

How to enter

  • Use PhotoEntry to upload your images (not later than Friday 5 November 2021)
  • For the Set of 3 competition you must upload 3 images
  • Please add a suffix to each image name to indicate its position
    • -left, -middle, -right OR -L, -M, -R
    • -top, -middle, -bottom / -T, -M, -B if arranged vertically


  • Make sure your three images are printed, mounted and labelled
  • Bring them along on Competition night or
  • drop them off at one of the collections points announced by email dated 22 September 2021,
    Subject WPS Print League, Round 1 Reminder

The George Walsh Memorial Trophy

[from the Handbook]

This trophy is awarded to the winner of a print competition on the theme of documentary/photojournalism, in memory of long-standing WPS member George Walsh.

  • Documentary photography provides a straightforward and accurate representation of people, places, objects and events. It is used to chronicle events or environments that are significant and relevant to history, as well as those that show everyday life.
  • Photojournalism, associated with street photography, employs images that tell a story, usually news-related, in a creative, entertaining and informative format.

How to enter

Short version – for long version see Print Submission Instructions

  • Use PhotoEntry to upload a PDI version of your image (not later than Friday 5 November 2021)


  • Make sure your print is prepared, mounted and labelled
  • Bring it along on Competition night or
  • drop it off at one of the collections points announced by email dated 22 September 2021,
    Subject WPS Print League, Round 1 Reminder

Joining details visible to logged-on members only (when available)

WPS: Set of Three and George Walsh
Tue, Nov 9, 2021 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM (GMT)

Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone in good time before the meeting starts at 19:30.

We are controlling numbers for this event, so if you plan to attend, please use the booking form below to tell us you’re coming.

Winning and Highly Commended Images

Set of Three

George Walsh Trophy – Documentary and Photo-journalism

For results from earlier years, see George Walsh Trophy and the Set of Three

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