29 September – Looking Local
WPS Guest Speaker – Chris Shepherd – Looking Local

Chris is Location Editor and Moderator for the UK’s leading photography website ePHOTOzine.
He’s a member of The Painting with Light Society – a group of top landscape photographers from across East Anglia. In addition he is pleased to be part of the teams behind Images of Essex and Images of Suffolk.
Chris’s awards include:
- Highly Commended & Judges Choice – Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015
- Shortlisted – Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2011/2014
- Highly Commended – Black and White Photographer of the Year 2011
- Shortlisted – Landscape Photographer of the Year 2011
Chris Shepherd
Photography first interested me when I received the gift of a small “point and shoot” camera that started a love affair with photography which continues to this day.
For me the challenge of photography to be one of reducing an image to its essentials, where a painter starts with a blank canvas and adds to it to get the final image, a photographer starts with an image and frames and crops till he/she gets to the image that they seek.
The challenge I enjoy most is to reduce the beauty, history and atmosphere of a place down to a single frame.
About the talk
Chris says
As photographers we often suffer from “Locational Myopia”, constantly wishing we were in some exotic location with the best possible equipment.
In this talk I detail my fight with Locational Myopia and ways to overcome it, as well as my personal journey to become a landscape photographer.
All of the images on my site were captured digitally.
Although I occasionally allows myself “flights of fancy” in PhotoShop, nearly all the images are the result of in-camera capture and processing to mimic traditional darkroom techniques.
To me photography is more about capturing the moment, rather than constructing that moment later in a computer
29 September – Looking Local – watch again
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All images ©Chris Shepherd
The talk features images from Roding Valley Meadows, Epping Forest and The Essex Coastline.
29 September – Looking Local – how to join
Date is past.
See also:
- Chris Shepherd’s website
- Chris’s work also features on Images of Essex
- WPS Programme September 2020