Speaker Programme Jan-Feb 2021
The Exciting WPS Speaker Programme Jan-Feb 2021
Tuesday evening lectures Jan-Feb 2021
Well, we approach 2021 – and although there may be a vaccine rolling out, there is no real prospect of us being able to meet in person at the Discovery Centre – at least in the first few months of next year. This has led to some further changes to the programme, but rest assured, we have a varied, broad and interesting programme of speakers, all prepared to present in an online format.
This is a taster of what’s to come on the Tuesday evenings in our first 2 months of 2021.
Gavin Bowyer, Programme Secretary
Click on the tabs for details of each talk and the speaker.

Jane Lazenby – 5 January 2021
Working with Textures
Jane established a reputation with equine photography. She qualified to teach back in 2000, and spent many years teaching aspects of art, then began to teach photography; both shooting in the field and post processing techniques.

During the pandemic Jane turned to teaching and mentoring on Zoom, and her lecture on textures and layers has been very well received by a number of camera clubs.
This also led to her three part series of Equine Beauty Editing Masterclasses on Zoom.
For more about Jane, see
Tony Gervis FRPS – 12 January
One man and his van
Tony Gervis was planning to talk to us about an American Road Trip, covering rodeos and National Parks. But he feels that really needs to be presented live in person.
But he’s happy to change to this presentation taking in his 3½ month solo journey across Europe, through Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, on through Russia ( for the 3rd time ), Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia then back home. That’s 22,000 miles in all – and lots of pictures.

Tony is a long standing member of Worcestershire Camera Club, and a frequent guest speaker at camera clubs around the country.
He describes himself as “A passionate traveller and photographer who, being able to do both in abundance, lives an idyllic life.”
He gained his FRPS with a panel of images taken inside the now well known “Slot Canyons”.
See also
- Slot Canyons gallery
- Tony’s Cruise Ship speaker profile
- Tony’s profile on his own website (hasn’t been updated for a while)
Tom Way, 2 February
The Art of Wildlife Photography
Tom Way is a Buckinghamshire based photographer who spends most of his life abroad, mainly in Africa.
He has produced stunning images of the animal inhabitants of that continent.
He is a popular speaker and leads a limited number of photographic safaris each year.
His work has won awards in the leading photographic competitions, including European Wildlife Photographer of The Year and The World Sony Awards.

See also
16 February – Members’ Presentations – Roger Buchanan
Women in Photography
Since the inception of photography in the 1830s, the medium has provided us with an unparalleled social commentary.
Whilst women photographers were in a minority until relatively recently, their work is highly significant and often provides a very different perspective to that of their male counterparts.
This image by Frances Johnston is of a group of women in an art class in the late 1800s and is the sort of record that does not figure amongst the works of male photographers at that time.

My presentation will consider some of the contributions made by such women, from the 1850s to the present day.
16 February – Members’ Presentations – Geoff Sharman
Is it Art?
This is the most commonly asked question about photography, and about each new art genre before it becomes widely acknowledged.
Confusingly, some critics distinguish between “art photography” and other forms of photography. So perhaps the underlying question is really “What is ART?”.

I will examine this question by looking at what artists have done over many centuries from the earliest times up to the period about 100 years ago, before modern art movements got underway.
Along the way, I’ll look at the work artists produced but also what motivated them, who paid for their work, what technologies they used, and what their underlying artistic goals were – and attempt to relate those to photography.
For full details of the WPS Programme for 2020-21, see Main Programme, where any programme changes will be shown