WPS Summer Lecture 3 – Tue 18 Aug

Street Photography

7:30pm Tuesday 18 August Online event

GoToMeeting Link details for WPS Summer Lecture 3 were in WPS Members’ Newsletter 266.
Members can see them below.

Ian Boulton – Street Photography

Speaker: Ian Boulton LRPS

About Ian Boulton

Bristolian Ian writes:

Photography and music have been my hobbies for over 50 years (which makes me feel old), and I am still learning.

Despite being introvert I have always been drawn to snapping people.

It was called candid photography when I started.

I lean towards the reportage style of street rather than the aesthetic style.

I prefer black and white, though colour is common in more and more of my images.

My partner and I gained our LRPS distinctions in 2012 and two years later Jackie gained her ARPS.

A few of my images are shown below.

You can see more of my work in Instagram @boultonian and on flickr.com/photos/canonac

Joining details for members only. To view, please login using the link in the navigation bar.

All images © Ian Boulton Canonac

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