President’s Welcome 2023/24
President’s Welcome 2023/24

It is my great pleasure and honour to welcome you to Winchester Photographic Society in this, our centenary year.
The society was founded by keen amateur photographers to promote their shared hobby and to show their photographs to the public with an annual exhibition.
Those early motivations are still relevant today with the Annual Print Exhibition still a highlight of the season.
This season’s Members’ Handbook has a special section on the early years of the society.
The photographic world has seen dramatic changes over those past 100 years in our ability to capture, store and post-process images.
In other ways, however, things haven’t changed at all.
We still record photographs with light hitting a sensitive surface and, as photographers, we still strive to capture atmospheric, engaging, and impactful images.
To celebrate our centenary, I’m particularly excited about the quality and range of speakers that we have for this season.
Our Programme Secretary has worked extremely hard to engage some of the very best talent in the UK across multiple styles of photography.
As one of the largest and most dynamic clubs in the South we have plenty of activities and opportunities for members to get involved in photography not just on our regular Tuesday nights.
There are Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for:
- Beginners, especially new members
- Improvers
- Projects, for those interested in sets of images
- Distinctions with the RPS
Members can also take advantage of organised events and workshops for specific activities such as birds of prey, studio, night shoots etc.
Finally, we have organised outings to places of interest with well-researched and planned routes.
Many of our lectures are open to members’ guests and tickets for some events will be available for anyone to buy online.
The highlight of this season will of course be the Centenary Lecture with Doug Allan, the Blue Planet cameraman, who will be talking to us about his experiences and sharing his outstanding photography on 18 November in Thornden Hall in Chandler’s Ford.
Gordon Brown, ARPS,
President, Winchester Photographic Society