
2021-22 Print League Round 3 – Mono

2021-22 Print League Round 3 Mono – 15 February

Judge: Tony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE4*

Venue: Littleton Memorial Hall

Entry Deadline Fri 11 February

Please confirm your entry by uploading a PDI version of your print by the end of Friday 11 February

2021-22 Print League Round 3

2021-22 Print Round 3 – Winning and Held back entries

The overall winner, and winner of the FB Heathcote-Wride Old Symmetrical trophy for the best mono image, was David McKibbin.

Click on any pane to see the winning and held back images in that class

A=Advanced, B=Beginners, G=Gold, I=Intermediate

See also the Internal Competition Image Archive

Highly commended and above

David McKibbin with Misty Morning Avenue was judged the overall winner of the monochrome competition and he wins the FB Heathcote-Wride Old Symmetrical Trophy.


  • 1st Joanne Parker – Early in the Valley

Due to a lack of entries only a first place was awarded.


  • 1st Geoff Sharman – Untitled
  • 2nd Robin Shaw LRPS – Farley Chamberlayne from Beacon Hill
  • 3rd Jo Grimes – Beach Hut Reflections
  • C James West LRPS – Abandoned, Never to Sail Again
  • C Jennifer Joel – Dave
  • C Gavin Mann – Steam


  • 1st Terry Shipp – D’ya Wanna be in our Gang
  • 2nd Bob Allen – Wounded
  • 3rd John Tierney – Three Arches
  • C David Welchman – Stopping at the Memorial


  • 1st David McKibbin LRPS DPAGB – Misty Morning Avenue
  • 2nd Sarah Townley FRPS – Aerial Attack
  • 3rd Glyn Paton LRPS CPAGB – Returning from the Oasis
  • C Pete Whieldon ARPS DPAGB – Barn Owl in Flight
  • C Eric Blake LRPS – Changing Mist
  • C Ray Hems LRPS CPAGB – Lion Gaze

Updated as soon as the official results are received

A competition purely for monochrome prints, sometimes termed black and white but can in fact be any single colour plus white, i.e. not necessarily black with white.

Starting from the 2019/20 season we incorporated the mono competition as part of the third round of the Print League. The consequence is that there is now a “class” element to the competition, i.e. Beginners, Intermediates, Advanced and Gold.

The judge for the evening will award places per class as usual but will additionally choose an overall winner who will receive the FB Heathcote-Wride Old Symmetrical trophy.

Entry instructions short version – for long version see Print Submission Instructions

By the end of Friday 11 Feb 2022

  • Decide which image you are going to enter
  • Upload it via PhotoEntry (direct link to Round 3)


  • Make sure your print is prepared, mounted and labelled
  • If you are coming to Littleton on the night, book your place via Webcollect (see booking tab)
  • Bring it along on Competition night or
  • drop it off at one of the collections points announced by email dated 22 September 2021,
    Subject WPS Print League, Round 1 Reminder

image acknowledgement : Salisbury Camera Club

We are happy to welcome Tony Oliver as judge for Print Round 3, our Mono competition.

Tony is a welcome regular visitor to WPS, well-known as a speaker and an SCPF Level 3 senior judge.

He has been judging since 2011.

Recent visits have been

Tony has been a member of Salisbury Camera Club since 2004, which he joined on retirement from the Fire Service.

Tony describes his photography as:

very eclectic as you will see from my four galleries. I enjoy all genres and subjects but will always admit that landscapes are my first passion.

You can see Tony’s ARPS panel, Salisbury Cathedral Moods, on his club website.

In January 2020 Tony was presented with the SCPF Roll of Honour in recognition of his many years of dedication to Salisbury Camera Club, including a number of initiatives to help support newer and developing photographers, his work as a busy judge throughout the Federation and his years on the SCPF Council including a term as President.

You can see Tony’s work on his website https://www.aropics.com/

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