WPS Members’ Handbook News
News of the Members’ Handbook for 2020-2021 which should be available in print and online in September 2020
WPS Members’ Handbook 2020-2021
One of the highlights of the first meeting of every season is picking up your copy of the Handbook from the Membership Secretary when you arrive at the Discovery Centre.
Unfortunately, it can’t be like that this year.
Your committee had put in a lot of early work planning a full programme for 2020-21. We were hoping that we would be able to resume normal activities by September. We had prepared drafts of the Handbook.

It then became clear that our Tuesday night meetings at the Discovery Centre are unlikely to be possible for at least the first few months of the new season.
So we reworked our programme for this autumn as a series of online events.
A large section of the Handbook is devoted to the meeting programme for the year.
The uncertainty about the pandemic meant that we couldn’t finalise the handbook as early as usual.
But there’s a lot more to the handbook than just the meeting programme. It contains information about the society and its activities, details of whom to contact, and a selection of last year’s winning images.
Printed handbook
We’re going ahead with the printed handbook. As you can’t collect the handbook at the Discovery Centre as usual, we’ll post a copy to every paid-up member.
We hope to do this in mid-September.
WPS Handbook Online
As in previous years, we’ll make a copy of this year’s handbook available online as a PDF for members to download.
This year, the PDF will be optimised for viewing online or on your computer or tablet.
The handbook for 2020-2021 that is going to print assumes an online programme for the remainder of 2020, with normal activities resuming at the beginning of 2021.
We can’t do another print run of the physical handbook every time the programme changes. But we intend to update the online handbook periodically to reflect programme changes.
Availability online
The online handbook will be available the first week in September.
Members will need to logon to download the handbook.
The Handbook currently online is the 2019-2020 edition at: WPS Members Handbook