2020-21 Season First Meeting

WPS 20/21 Opening Night
Tue, Sep 1 2020 7:30pm
Traditionally we kick off each new season on the first Tuesday in September in the Winchester Discovery Centre.
This year the date is the same and we’ll cover the same topics.
But because of Covid-19, we’ll be meeting online using GoToMeeting.
WPS 20/21 Opening Night
What we’ll cover
- A warm welcome to new and returning members from our President.
- Introduction to key people
- Events and activities for the coming year.
- How we’re adapting to the impact of Covid-19
- Training, outings and special interest groups.
- Last year’s successes
- …and a bring your own refreshments break at half-time.
WPS 2020-21 Season first meeting
Members – please login to see joining details