Most Recent Updates
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My Membership Online
My Membership Online – an introduction to our new membership system and why we chose it. Usage notes and links.
Tuesday Lectures
All the lectures in this year’s programme, with a brief introduction to each speaker and their talk.
Astrophotography with Tony Cowburn
Astrophotography with Tony Cowbur 14 Jan 2025: Tony’s slides with details of his kit and the apps which he uses.
Society Officials 2024/25
President, officers, committee members and other roles for the WPS 2024-25 season.
Facebook most ‘liked’ images
Gallery of the most ‘liked’ images of last month from our members’ Facebook page
Advice for WPS Competitions
Advice for WPS Competitions: guidance for members preparing entries for internal Print and Projected Image competitions.
Distinctions Gallery Upload
A page to upload images to your new distinction gallery, to help others aiming for photographic awards
Pictures of the Year
A light hearted pre-Christmas competition where members vote for their favourite image
2018 AGM Prizegiving Awards
2018 AGM Prize-giving Awards Prize-giving 29th May 2018 Thanks to David McKibbin for the photos