2024-25 Print League Results by Round


Print Round 1

Date: Tuesday 17 September
Location: The Arc
Judge: Ashley Francis


Print Round 2

Date: Tuesday 15 October
Location: The Arc
Judge: Tony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE5*


Print Round 3 (mono)

Date: Tuesday 7 January
Location: The Arc
Judge: Jason Hyde CPAGB


Print Round 4

Date: Tuesday 25 February
Location: The Arc
Judge: Jim Pascoe BA ARPS ABIPP


Print Round 5

Date: Tuesday 1 April

Location: The Arc
Judge: Judge Maria Leekblade LRPS AFIAP DPAGB

Print League Table for 2024-25

At the end of the season a trophy is awarded to the winner of each league.

Print League, GoldSt Swithun Bowl
Print League, AdvancedRichardson Cup
Print League, IntermediateSymonds Cup
Print League, BeginnersPresident’s Cup

If a tie occurs, the trophy is awarded to the person with the greatest number of first, then second, then third places and finally Highly Commended.

If there is still a tie, the trophy will be shared.

Distinctions: Many congratulations to members who achieve new distinctions. Please update your profiles in WebCollect and PhotoEntry, and tell the Competition Secretary.

This countback system for resolving ties is now implemented in the spreadsheet below for every round.

Mono Competition

Print Round 3 is also the Mono Competition. After all the classes have been marked, the judge compares the first placed images from each of the four classes.

The author of the best image from those four is awarded the FB Heathcote-Wride Old Symmetrical trophy.

The winner for 2024-25 was Tony Cowburn for Lovers at Tate Modern.

Winning and Held Back Entries By Round

In the gallery below, click on any pane to see the winning and held back images in that round and class

A=Advanced, B=Beginners, G=Gold, I=Intermediate

Results are shown as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, C (Highly Commended) or HB (Held Back)

See also the Internal Competition Image Archive

Entry instructions short version – for long version see Print Submission Instructions

By the end of the Friday before the competition

  • Decide which image you are going to enter
  • Upload it via PhotoEntry


  • Make sure your print is prepared, mounted and labelled
  • Bring it along on Competition night

click to show details

Location: The Arc

Location: The Arc

Judge: Ashley Francis CPAGB

About Ashley Francis

A geophysicist and geostatistician by training, Ashley has over 30 years world-wide oil industry experience of exploration, development and production geophysics. He has lectured at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, at the University of Reading and at Imperial College.

Ashley is a member of Fordingbridge Camera Club and its treasurer (as at the date of this post).

Having joined the SCPF panel of judges in December 2018, he was upgraded to an SCPF Level 2 judge in February 2020.

Ashley gained his CPAGB in 2019 and is also a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society..

Ashley was the judge for our first online competition after lockdown was imposed: PDI League Round 4 on 31 March 2020

Image ©Fordingbridge CC

Last updated 9 July 2024

Location: The Arc

Judge: Tony Oliver ARPS CPAGB BPE5*

About Tony

image acknowledgement : Salisbury Camera Club

Tony is a welcome and frequent visitor to WPS, well-known as a speaker, an SCPF Level 3 senior judge and member of the SCPF Judging Advisory Team.

He has been judging since 2011.

Recent visits have included

Tony has been a member of Salisbury Photography Club (formerly Salisbury Camera Club) since 2004, which he joined on retirement from the Fire Service.

Tony describes his photography as:

very eclectic as you will see from my four galleries. I enjoy all genres and subjects but will always admit that landscapes are my first passion.

Tony’s ARPS panel, Salisbury Cathedral Moods, used to be available on the old Salisbury Camera Club website. You can see one of the images from his panel, and more of his work on his website http://www.aropics.com/

In January 2020 Tony was presented with the