Pages about Membership


Renewing Current Membership – details of how to renew using our online membership system

Joining WPS

Joining – details of how to join using our online membership system

WebCollect Guides

To help members navigate through WebCollect the following Guides have been created How to Book on an Event How to Change your Personal Details e.g. email, address, update a qualification Paying your WPS Subscription For Administrators of the System these guides are also available How to Create an Event How to Email WPS members (all…

Membership benefits

Membership benefits – a summary of the events and activities available to members of Winchester Photographic Society

Society Equipment Booking

Society Equipment Booking – details of photographic equipment available for hire by members

Joining or Renewing

Joining or Renewing Current Membership – details of how to join or renew using our new online membership system

Membership Types

Membership Types – as well as the normal full adult membership, we offer joint and student membership, and sometimes offer associate membership

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – useful information about the Society’s activities for new members or anyone thinking about joining.

The home page for our WebCollect membership subsystem. On a mobile device, this page works best in landscape mode.