Author: WPS Webmaster

WPS Member Galleries

WPS Member Galleries

WPS Member Galleries – images uploaded by members. See also separate Distinctions page for successful RPS and PAGB submissions

WNE Exhibition Galleries 2019

WNE Exhibition Galleries 2019: details of the judges, and links to the online exhibition galleries, with availability dates

WNE 2019 Results

WNE 2019 Results – full list of award winners, certificates of merit, and acceptances by class.

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WNE 2019 Exhibition of Images

WNE 2019 Exhibition of Images: details of the presentation evening, catalogue for entrants and dates of online exhibition

WPS Needs You

Help keep our society running – our success is thanks to the voluntary efforts of many members – please consider joining the team

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WNE 2019 Rules For Entry

Rules for Entry 1   The Organisers are Winchester Photographic Society (WPS). 2   Entrants:

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WNE 2019 Introduction

Introduction 2019 sees the fifth Winchester National Exhibition – an exhibition of digital photographic Images.

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WNE Results 2018 July

Winchester National Exhibition 2018 Acceptances and Awards   WNE Galleries Page 2018   Class :

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