
President’s Welcome 2022/23

President’s Welcome 2022/23

Welcome to the Winchester Photography Society’s 99th season, and a special welcome to you if you are a new member. I hope to get to know you during the year.

I am honoured to continue as President, and I thank the Past President Trevor Morecraft for his help and advice last season.

Thanks also to all the previous Presidents, and the support of the hard-working committee, who have helped steer the Society through the recent turbulent time.

We congratulate those members who gained external photographic ‘awards’ last season. Whether it was an RPS distinction, PAGB award or BPE star/s or other Worldwide Exhibition/Salon success, we are delighted to hear of your achievements.

WPS New President Tony Large
WPS President Tony Large

Our Constitution sets out the Aims and Objectives of the Society, which include the promotion, encouragement and enjoyment of all branches of photography through meetings, lectures, workshops and other activities aiding member advancement, and to hold an Annual Exhibition.

We have a programme which encompasses that and more, from lectures and two League Competitions, to Special Interest Groups to help you get the most of your membership.

New for this season – Occasional Thursday online specials: talks from eminent photographers not available to present in person.

The Handbook describes our Annual Print Exhibition, which last Spring was held in the newly created City Space area of The Arc.

Our thanks go to the team at Hampshire Cultural Trust who helped stage last season’s Annual Print Exhibition.

It was a fantastic new location that allowed a great display of photography for our Society and for HCT.

We also run the Winchester National Exhibition, which is open to any UK-based photographer.

The website is a great tool for seeing what the Society does, with our future events calendar.

The weekly email Newsletter has a handy forthcoming events section under ‘Now Booking…’, with links to the booking forms.

One note of caution: the Programme as printed in the Handbook is subject to change, so always check the society website/weekly newsletter for up-to-date details.

The President usually brings a special ‘theme’ to his or her year; last year’s was ‘Time to take Photos’.

This year, my second as President, my theme is ‘Time to take Photos 2.0’.

I hope the Society provides what you were expecting, a good spread of subjects in the Lectures, plenty of ‘comment’ during the judging of the Society Photo League Competitions, and lots of extra events on top.

Please do contact me or any of the Committee if you have comments during the season. You can use the Contact Us form on the website.


Tony Large
President Winchester Photographic Society

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