16 February – Members’ Presentations
16 February – Members’ Presentations
The Geoff and Roger show
On Tuesday 16 February we have talks by two of our experienced members: Roger Buchanan on Women in Photography and Geoff Sharman discussing What is Art?
Click on the tabs for details of each talk and the speaker.

16 February – Members’ Presentations – Roger Buchanan
Women in Photography
Since the inception of photography in the 1830s, the medium has provided us with an unparalleled social commentary.
Whilst women photographers were in a minority until relatively recently, their work is highly significant and often provides a very different perspective to that of their male counterparts.
This image by Frances Johnston is of a group of women in an art class in the late 1800s and is the sort of record that does not figure amongst the works of male photographers at that time.

My presentation will consider some of the contributions made by such women, from the 1850s to the present day.
About Roger
On his website, Roger Buchanan Photography , Roger describes himself as an Environmental and Butterfly Photographer.
Most of the content is about 10 years old, when he was chairman of Butterfly Conservation’s Hampshire and Isle of Wight branch. At that time he had a particular interest in the use of pinhole camera techniques for environmental imaging as well as film (35mm and medium format) and digital. He specialised in and offered training sessions on lepidotera imaging.
16 February – Members’ Presentations – Geoff Sharman
Is it Art?
This is the most commonly asked question about photography, and about each new art genre before it becomes widely acknowledged.
Confusingly, some critics distinguish between “art photography” and other forms of photography. So perhaps the underlying question is really “What is ART?”.

I will examine this question by looking at what artists have done over many centuries from the earliest times up to the period about 100 years ago, before modern art movements got underway.
Along the way, I’ll look at the work artists produced but also what motivated them, who paid for their work, what technologies they used, and what their underlying artistic goals were – and attempt to relate those to photography.
About Geoff
Geoff has been the co-ordinator of the successful WPS Annual Print Exhibition for the past several years.
In 2020, he worked with the judges, Hampshire Cultural Trust and our Digital Projected Image Secretary to manage the transition to an online Exhibition.
Geoff will be stepping down after the WPS 2021 Exhibition.
He exhibited at the Thrive Café in Oliver’s Battery and those of us who visit the Chesil Theatre will know that he is official photographer for their productions.
Outside photography, Geoff’s CV on the Birkbeck College website tells us that
Dr Geoff Sharman holds a PhD in Particle Physics from the University of Southampton and spent 35 years in the software industry….
He … held the post of Visiting Professor in Computer Science and Information Systems at Birkbeck College, London, from 1982 to 2012. He is a past chairman of the British Computer Society’s Advanced Programming Specialist Group.
16 February – Members’ Presentations – how to watch
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