President’s Welcome 2020/21
President’s Welcome 2020/21
Welcome to the 2020-2021 season of the Winchester Photographic Society. I am honoured to take the role of President and thank my predecessor Gavin Bowyer who led the society through the difficult start of the pandemic.
Our Society is one of the largest and most successful in the Southern Region and we continue to compete in the top division of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation.

Being a large club, we aim to offer members a wide and varied programme of speakers, print and digital competitions as well as training, practical workshops, outings and special interest groups.
Also of note are the Beginner and Improver Groups practically assisting members to develop and enjoy their photography.
WPS also has a popular and active online digital community with our members-only Facebook group, weekly newsletters and comprehensive website.
WPS runs two highly successful Exhibitions during the year, the WPS Annual Members’ Print Exhibition and the Winchester National Exhibition.
This website is your whole season’s guide to the many offerings that WPS has for our members.
There are also gallery sections showcasing our members’ photography.
While, of course, photography is our hobby, and should be fun, we also have active Distinctions Groups assisting our ambitious members to work to achieve recognised Distinctions from the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS) and the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (CPAGB and DPAGB).
As our annual theme, this year I encourage members to ‘Enjoy change in your Photography’. Change can be improving your technical skills, trying a different genre, perhaps moving away from Landscapes to People, etc.
As I write this we are all at home under Covid-19 limitations. During the lockdown we have run lectures, competitions, workshops and training online with great success.
Currently we are planning to offer a full season of the Society. This, of course, will be modified by any dictates of the pandemic.
However, I welcome our members to the WPS 2020/21 season, whatever shape it takes.
Non-Members are very welcome to our ‘Normal’ Tuesday meetings (although subgroups, outings and workshops are restricted to members). Simply turn up, pay the £5 visit fee, sign in and take a visitor badge.
You can attend as a visitor up to 4 times a year and if you then decide to join the society those visitor fees can be deducted from your joining fee.
Full details about membership can be found under the Membership tab.
Thanks to the success of the society, we often have to run a waiting list for new members.
We have an accessibility policy, and we want to make our events and services open to as many of our members as possible.
I hope to be able to meet all our members and welcome you to the 2020/2021 Season for the WPS.
The society has a large, wide range of photographers as members from complete beginners to professional experts.
The WPS Committee and I hope that the society provides something for everyone.
The other sections of this website give you some indication of our activities and what we have to offer.
Welcome to Winchester Photographic Society and the sharing of our interest and passion with like-minded, friendly and supportive enthusiasts.
Come and find me and say hi.
Trevor Morecraft LRPS
President, Winchester Photographic Society