Winchester Images – Presidential Challenge 2019

Presidential Challenge 2019, entries are now open.

Winchester Image Entries only

The closing date for entries is 23:59 on Monday 9th December 2019.   Images to fit in size 1920px by 1200px and max. of 2mb.  See the Resizing and Uploading guide

Upload up to three images.  Naming convention: name_location_n.jpg such as: Gavin Bowyer_Winchester_1.jpg or Gavin Bowyer_Winchester_2.jpg or Gavin Bowyer_Winchester_3.jpg

{jsmallfib 769:6,920:6 [USERBOUND] relpath(jsmallfib_top/Win_Pres_Chall_19)} 

Please note when renaming your files after uploading them, you must either click on the green tick or use “enter” to save your changes.  If you do not do so your file may not be saved. See the updated instructions below, on renaming.

Note: If the file name of your image appears in the top box i.e. the Personal area for “Your Name”, your image is on our server. Your browser may also show a thumbnail of your image. This is a second confirmation of your upload.

In the examples below the normal PDI naming convention is used.  For the Christmas knockout use the rule on the right side bar, i.e. name_title.jpg

Once you have uploaded all your files or made the changes you want you must logoff.

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