How WPS uses Personal Data

How WPS uses Personal Data

1 Introduction

The privacy and security of personal information is extremely important to us all.

This privacy policy explains how and why we use your personal data, to make sure you stay informed and can be confident about giving us your information. 

 This policy applies whether you’re a member of the Society, enter our exhibition, view our website, email, call, visit or write to us, or have a business relationship with us.

 We’ll never sell your personal data and will only share it with organisations we work with if it’s necessary and the privacy and security of your data is assured.

 In this policy, whenever you see the words ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, ‘Society’, ‘WPS’, it refers to the Winchester Photographic Society.

2 Privacy Policy

2.1 For Members

2.1.1 What personal data do we collect?

WPS collects and makes use of the following information for the operation of the society:

  • Name, address, phone number(s), e-mail address

2.1.2 Personal data created by your involvement with us

Your activities and involvement with us will result in personal data being created.

For members, this includes

  • Joining date, renewal date, renewal method,
  • Exhibition & Competition entry information,
  • Details of roles held, duties undertaken, and attendance at training events, workshops and outings,
  • Photographic accreditation(s), Camera make, Member Website link (if applicable),
  • Your Digital photograph.

2.1.3 How do we use the data

WPS uses the information in the normal running of the Society.

 There are certain core aspects of membership which you cannot opt out of. We need to be able to keep track of who our members are, so that we can tell you about our events and remind you when your subscription is due.

 The information is kept for the duration of your membership of the Society.

 When you leave the Society, the following information is retained for 10 years:

  • Name
  • Joining & Leaving dates
  • Reason for leaving (if known)

The Society is proud of its history. Its archive of past meetings and events gives an insight into the evolution of the art and practise of photography since 1923. The names and images of the Society’s officers and award winners that have been published during the Society’s existence form part of that record. Although members’ personally identifiable information – contact details such as address, phone number, email – is deleted as described above, their achievements may be retained as part of the historic permanent archive unless the member explicitly requests that they be deleted. 

2.1.4 Sensitive and financial personal data

We do not routinely collect sensitive personal data, but we may ask members to tell us if there are ongoing medical conditions or dietary requirements which meeting or event organisers and caterers need to be aware of.

 Our preferred method of accepting subscription and other payments is via PayPal which does not expose any financial information about you to us.

 If you choose to pay us by cheque or credit/debit card, we do not keep a record of the account details of the cheque or card.

 If we need to reimburse you (for example, as a committee member we may need to reimburse you for expenses incurred), and if you choose to receive payment electronically, the Treasurer (and only the Treasurer) will need to know your account details.

 Records of payments are retained as long as required under current financial regulations.


2.1.5 Who can view the data

Personally identifiable Data

Personally identifiable data – by which we mean your name together with contact details such as email and postal addresses – is only available to committee members & Society leaders whose role requires it.

It is held in a restricted access repository in a password-protected file.

Name only

If you choose to enter our competitions or exhibition(s), your name – with relevant post-nominals – may appear on the WPS website which is publicly visible. Such occurrences include:

  • Competition League tables,
  • Exhibition Acceptances,
  • Photograph accreditation,
  • Photographic Gallery (if uploaded by the member).

The names of Society Officials & Leaders are listed on the Society’s website. You can contact them using a contact form, which means that we don’t need to publish their email addresses.

2.2 Non Members – Waiting List & Interested Parties

2.2.1 What personal data do we collect?

WPS collects and makes use of the following information to support your requests:

  • Name & e-mail address
  • Date & method of first contact
  • Number of attendances as Visitor (if you are on our Membership Waiting List)

2.2.2 How do we use the data?

If you have asked to put you on the waiting list or tell you about Society events open to non-members, we’ll

  • Send you occasional emails to update you on the waiting list position and make sure you still want to be on the list and/or
  • tell you about upcoming open events.

2.3 Non Members – Exhibition entrants or prospective entrants

2.3.1 What personal data do we collect?

WPS collects and makes use of the following information to manage open exhibitions:

  • Name, including relevant post-nominals, and e-mail address

2.3.2 How do we use the data?

  • If you have asked to be reminded about key exhibition dates, we’ll email you.
  • If there are any questions about your online entry, we may need to contact you.
  • We’ll tell you the results of the exhibition.
  • We invite award winners to the presentation evening.
  • Your name may appear on the WPS website which is publicly visible.

2.3.3 Communicating with young people

In the past, we have run exhibitions which have had a category for younger entrants.

If we do so again, our communications with younger entrants will be restricted to what is necessary for the operation of the competition.

2.4 Non Members – People and organisations with whom we have a business or professional relationship

2.4.1 What personal data do we collect?

We keep details of contacts – typically names, phone numbers and email addresses – within our suppliers, and within other photographic bodies

2.4.2 How do we use the data?

Only for the purpose for which it was obtained: purchasing equipment and services, and collaborating with other photographic bodies on, for example, events, competitions and judging, training and qualifications. The Treasurer maintains a spreadsheet of Lecturer & Judge fees which is shared with the Programme Secretary only.

2.5 Photographs

Members are asked to agree that they may appear in photographs of award ceremonies and club activities published on the WPS website, social media platforms etc., or in press releases. 

Such permission may be withheld or withdrawn at any time.

 Members may be invited to supply digital photos of themselves to help committee members identify and welcome new members and to help members recognise each other.

 Committee Members’ and Society Leaders’ photographs appear, with their consent, in the Society’s Programme booklet and on the website.

3 Where and how your data is stored, and who can access it

3.1 For Members

Your personal information is held on standard spreadsheets (or similar files) which are individually password-protected and may reside (or be backed up) on suitable file sharing technology (e.g. Dropbox). File ownership is managed by the Data Protection Officer with the current list identified in Section 8. The file owners strictly control access to Society Leaders who have a need to know the information. The Society may use third-party companies to assist in the management of this information (see Section 4).

You agree the storage of this information by accepting the Society’s Privacy Policy on joining the Society. The term of your agreement lasts for the duration of your membership.

You may opt-out by unsubscribing to any newsletter that you receive from us by clicking the “unsubscribe” option, or by contacting the Membership Secretary (ku.co1743459580sotoh1743459580pniw@1743459580pihsr1743459580ebmem1743459580). In that case, a mutually acceptable solution will be sought for Society communications.

3.2 For Non Members (Interested Parties & Waiting List)

Your personal information is held on MailChimp’s servers. The data owner is the Membership Secretary with further access only by Society Leaders with a need to know the information.

 You agree the storage of this information either by opting in to a request on joining our distribution list.

 You may opt-out by unsubscribing to any newsletter that you receive from us. In that case, all of your personal information will be removed from our records.

 Your information is held for a maximum period of 5 years. The Society will invite Non Members on our distribution list to continue, if desired, every 5 years (commencing in May 2018).

3.3 For Non Members (Exhibition entrants)

Your personal information is stored on PhotoComp Software’s Web Servers and is password-protected.  We generate Entrant Reports in a standard PDF format which are only accessible by a small team managing the exhibition.

 You agree the storage of this information by entering our Exhibition.

 Your information is held for a period of 5 years.

3.4 General

We recognise that some file sharing systems (for example Dropbox) store copies of files on local computers. When the Society’s officers relinquish their role, their access to the shared personal data files is revoked and we ask them to confirm that they have deleted any local copies they may have.

4 How we protect Website Data

We take appropriate organisational and technical security measures to protect your data against unauthorised disclosure or processing. We only store the information required for our members to logon to our website, on the web server.

5 Data Sharing

WPS only shares information with third party organisations, which themselves are required to conform to the GDPR, for the efficient management of the Society. These organisations include:

  • MailChimp for newsletter communications,
  • EventBrite for event management,
  • PhotoComp Software for exhibition entry management,
  • PayPal for online payments.

If you attend events such as Photographic Walkabouts, members of the party will normally share mobile phone numbers. The group leader needs to be able to tell you about last minute changes of plan due, for example, to bad weather or transport failure, or to allow an attendee who becomes separated to catch up with the rest of the group.

WPS will never use or share your details for marketing purposes.

6 Your rights

These include the right to:

  1. Be removed from the list,
  2. See what information we hold about you (the right to be informed, the right of access and the right to data portability),
  3. Have your history deleted (the right to erasure),
  4. Ask us to stop using your data (the right to restrict processing),
  5. Update your details (the right to rectification).

We do not charge a fee for any of those services.

7 Questions and breaches

For any questions about this privacy policy or how we use your personal data, or you want to report a breach:

Contact the Society’s Data Protection Officer at ku.co1743459580sotoh1743459580pniw@1743459580opd1743459580.

You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

8 References

8.1 Links

9 Data Storage Information

Personal Data files held by Society Officials:

Membership DatabaseMembership SecretaryPersonal Computer & DropBox
Mailing Lists (Members & Non-members)Membership SecretaryMailChimp
Event Attendance ListsTreasurerEventBrite
HandbookHandbook EditorPersonal Computer & DropBox
Programme Cost EstimateTreasurerPersonal Computer & DropBox
WNE entries (PhotoEx PDF download)WNE technical leaderPersonal Computer. Also e-mailed to WNE team. Exhibition Acceptance names on Website
Internal Competition Entrants listDigital Projected Image SecretaryPhotoEntry
Members’ Print Exhibition Acceptance ListExhibition SecretaryWebsite
Member Competition Entries & League TablesCompetition SecretaryPersonal Computer & Website
Special Interest Group(s) membersPanels group leader

Improvers Group leader

Personal Computer
Website contact informationWebmasterDatabase with hosting provider. 
Refreshment teamRefreshments ManagerPersonal Computer
Committee contact listSecretaryPersonal Computer & DropBox

10 Website Cookie Policy

Details about how we use cookies can be found on our Website Cookie Policy page.

None of our cookies capture or use personal information. We do not use persistent cookies.

11 Changes to this policy

If it becomes necessary to update this policy to clarify your rights or our obligations, we will do so and advise members that we have done so.

For any policy changes which affect members’ rights, we would ask members to accept those changes.

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