Judge: Steve Kirkby CPAGB/AV

About Steve

Steve is a long-standing member and past Chairman of Alton Camera Club.

He was awarded his CPAGB/AV in 2018 and now gives talks on Making a Better AV. You can see some of his images on Flickr

Steve started judging for the SCPF in 2020 and is now an SCPF Level 2+ judge. He writes

Alton CC have suffered me for 15 years and they endure a wide range of my photography. I blundered along for a few years as a part-time local press photographer which often allowed the coveted ‘access all areas’ at events. My images rarely fit in with the typical genres but an unhealthy interest in audio-visuals lets me show off plenty. I’ve had my name against various club posts, including chair, and am proud to continue serving with my friends on the SCPF Council.

2021-22 Print League Round 5
Steve Kirkby receives the SCPF Roll of Honour from Tony Oliver at the Alton CC 2017 Annual Dinner and Prizegiving.
(acknowledgements to Southern Counties Photographic Federation for this image)

Last updated 8 July 2024