Dr Paul Hendley LRPS CPAGB

About Paul Hendley

Paul is a member of Bracknell Camera Club.

He qualified as a judge on the SCPF circuit at the end of 2018 and is now a Level 2+ judge.

His profile on the Bracknell Judges page tells us

I am a retired scientist who spent 60+ years believing I did not have an artistic bone in my body. Having seriously adopted photography at retirement, I have found it allows people like me to create something they (and others) can feel is beautiful. This has been eye-opening and very satisfying and, coming from a science background, it has been illuminating to start to learn the extent to which photographs can play directly on the emotions irrespective of their technical characteristics. An OU course helped me grasp the technical basics and I read extensively and attended many workshops etc. to extend my skills and knowledge culminating in my successful LRPS panel and CPAGB assessments. I am actively trying to expand my photography across genres but my comfort zone still lies in macro work.

I am thoroughly familiar with Lightroom and Photoshop but have a lot more to learn to reach the standard I feel I need to achieve to make the best of my image concepts.

We look forward to welcoming Paul to Winchester.

We don’t have an image of Paul, but his cover photo on Flickr is a little owl (though not this one)

In my younger years, I enjoyed being a US soccer referee for 10 or 12 years and so I am comfortable with making judgements that are not necessarily popular with all! My company was very strong on performance appraisals and so I am practiced with the principles and practice of constructive feedback.

Having received the excellent training from SCPF, I hope I will develop to be a successful club judge despite having seen how difficult the task can be – both in terms of differentiating between great images and being positive about less wonderful ones!

Last updated 2 October 2024