Judge: Chris Hutchinson
About Chris
Chris is a Level 3 judge on the SCPF circuit, a member of Yately Camera Club and a speaker at photography clubs.
Chris attended an art school as a teenager but was unable to complete his studies. He took up photography as a hobby instead but spent most of his career in the transport industry. Just after the Millennium, he found that the cost of printing photographs had fallen. He felt the need to embark on a project and see if he could publish or exhibit some of the results to the public.
He thought he’d try to capture the human body in new ways – after all, he thought, the human form is one of the commonest things around – everybody’s got one!
His project formed part of the Viewpoint travelling exhibition put on by The Photographic Angle
Interests and photography
You can see some of his work, covering his interests in Morris Dancing and in collecting images of pubs with “Bell” in their names on
Last updated 8 July 2024