WPS 2022 AGM Notice

Members can view this WPS 2022 AGM Notice and (when available) the meeting papers on the AGM Minutes and Reports page.

Initial Information 

The AGM will be held both at the Arc and On-line.

Officers will cover key aspects from this season & looking forward

Motion voting both at Arc & On-line

The season’s winners will be announced with a selection of winners’ images shown

I will email all members on Monday 23 May about the AGM papers and further information.

Tuesday 17 May.……Deadline for Committee Nominations and requesting AOB Motions 

Committee Nominations 

Nominations are sought for:

  • Vice President
  • Competition Secretary
  • 3 Members Representatives

How to submit

All Nominations for the above posts should be emailed to ku.co1739640807sotoh1739640807pniw@1739640807yrate1739640807rceS1739640807 by Tuesday 17 May 2022 BOTH by the Proposer and Seconder: detailing:

  • the full name of the member being nominated,
  • the Committee role
  • who the other proposer or seconder is.
  • and both please cc the candidate.

To be clear, 2 emails are required for each nomination, one from the proposer, one from the seconder. This is the same procedure as for the last few years. 

If any member wishes to be nominated for a Committee role but does not know personal email addresses for their intended proposer or seconder, please email Lilian Hobbs for help, using ku.co1739640807sotoh1739640807pniw@1739640807rerus1739640807aerT1739640807.

Requesting AOB Motions 

In accordance with The Constitution, any member wishing to submit an additional AGM Agenda item or Motion should be proposed, seconded and submitted to the Secretary no less than 3 weeks before the meeting.

Procedures are the same as for nominations above, with both the Proposer and Seconder needing to mail the Secretary at ku.co1739640807sotoh1739640807pniw@1739640807yrate1739640807rceS1739640807, again by Tuesday 17 May.

Adrian Binney 

Secretary, WPS

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