WPS New President Tony Large
WPS Newsflash !!
Notice: change of WPS President 2021/22
As members will know, Roger Dixey was elected WPS President for the 2021-22 season.
Unfortunately, for health reasons, Roger is unable to fill the role of President to the best of his ability.
We wish him well and look forward to seeing him at the WPS very soon.
Vice President Tony Large, who was elected to the Presidential 3-year cycle at the AGM in June, has agreed to bring forward his role as President to this season.
Tony will be the WPS President for the remainder of this season. This fits within the WPS constitution as both Tony and Roger were voted onto the 3 year service cycle of Presidential duties.
Tony Large was officially inaugurated as WPS President for the 2021/22 season on Tuesday 5 October during the regular WPS meeting.
The plan is for Roger Dixey to take on the role of Vice-President now and succeed to the Presidency for the season 2022/23.
We wish Tony good luck in his Presidency and we send Roger all of our best wishes.
Adrian Binney (secretary),
Trevor Morecraft (immediate Past President),
Tony Large