Distinctions Gallery Upload

Distinctions Gallery Upload page

This page is for members who have obtained RPS distinctions, PAGB awards, or qualifications from other bodies such as BPE and PSA and would like to create their own distinctions gallery.
Use this page to upload images to your gallery.

Usage notes

  1. If you have a photographic distinction from an external body such as RPS, PAGB, BPE, FIAP or PSA and would like it to appear on the Distinction Galleries page, please ask the webmaster to set up an album for you.
  2. You need to log on before you can use the distinctions gallery upload capability.
  3. You should find that you can upload images to your own gallery but not to other galleries. If that’s not so, please tell the webmaster. He may have made a mistake.
  4. We’ve tested the process on a smartphone, but you’ll probably find it easier on a desktop or tablet.
  5. Your file must be in jpg format (though the .jpeg extension also works)
  6. Files must not be bigger than 2MB
  7. If the image has an EXIF/IPTC caption, the gallery will probably use that as the description.
  8. After upload, you can add or edit the description, or rename or delete a file by clicking on the three little dots which appear when you hover over an image.
  9. This gallery only displays image files. If you want to display some text, you could create and then upload an image with that text on it..

David McKibbin ARPS

James West LRPS

Gordon Brown ARPS

Adrian Binney EPSA

Adrian Walmsley LRPS

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