WPS Member Successes

WPS Member Successes

Congratulations to WPS Vice President Roger Dixey and Past President Gavin Bowyer whose work has recently won external recognition in the RPS and International Annual Photography Awards.

Congratulations also to Mike Lane and Corinne Kozok for their successes in the 2nd Mount Makalu International Salon 2020 in Nepal.

Click on the down arrow icons to show/hide award details.

In the RPS Creative Eye Group of the 2021 RPS Members’ Exhibition 2021, Roger Dixey won three awards

  • Gold for Life in Lockdown (which had earlier come first in the WPS 2019-20 Print League, Round 5, Gold Section).
  • Commended for The Watchers, one of Roger’s triptych which came third in the WPS Set of Three competition in January 2021
  • Commended for The Forbidden Castle. Members with long memories may recall seeing it as one of the Accepted images in the Open Section of the 2015 Winchester National Exhibition.

In the recently announced results of the International Annual Photography Awards 2020, Gavin Bowyer won an Honorable Mention in the Wildlife section for Baby Mountain Gorilla Missing its Mother.

Gavin wrote:

Delighted to hear this morning that I won an award in the Annual Photography Awards 2020 – Honourable Mention for my “Baby Mountain Gorilla Missing its Mother”.

The Annual Photography Awards are dedicated to preserving the craft as a contemporary medium of fine art, and is motivated to help artists rise in their careers.

The winning photos were selected from entries from 56 different countries.

Gorilla pictures can certainly evoke empathy – and if that helps the wildlife conservation effort then so very much the better. My favourite charity in this area is Conservation Through Public Health led by Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

WPS was also represented in the 2nd Mount Makalu International Salon 2020

  • Corinne Kozok gained four acceptances, including South Georgia Welcome which took the IPN Silver award in the Photo Travel class
  • Michael Lane gained eight acceptances, of which Lesson Time won the IPN Gold in the Nature class

The tables of awards and acceptances are at http://www.hpsnepal.com/salon-result.php

The catalogue is at http://www.hpsnepal.com/uploads/2nd%20Mount%20Makalu%20International%20Salon-2020.pdf

The whole catalogue takes a while to download. Mike’s image is on page 55 and Corinne’s image on page 73.

Image gallery

Watch the rolling slideshow or click to view larger images.

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