
Enhanced Reality Group Dec 2020

Enhanced Reality, 16 December 2020

Enhanced Reality Group Dec 2020

Group leader Roger Dixey writes:

In the last session we looked at sky replacement and how to create reflections.

In this next session I want to look at techniques for simplifying an image with a complicated background.

We will use the techniques for managing the depth of field to selectively blur parts of the image. Coupled with the use of layer masks to control the background lighting this can really make your images pop.

Appropriate use of Depth of field in camera is often used as a compositional tool but it is not always possible to apply when you capture the image if you don’t have the right lens or suitable lighting conditions

To achieve this selective control over different parts of the image we will look in more detail at how to make accurate selections in Photoshop and how to build a complex mask.

The image above is a simple example of this in a landscape but we will also look at a more complex example using street photography.

If you missed the first Enhanced Reality session you can still join session 2 because it is a separate topic and doesn’t rely on anything we covered in the first session.

Roger Dixey

Enhanced Reality Group Leader

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If you are a member and couldn’t watch the live streamed session on 16 December, or if you did watch it and would like to watch it again, use the link below.

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