
WPS AGM 2020 Online

WPS 2020 Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 2nd June


The AGM will be held online this year on Tuesday 2nd June using GoToWebinar. We’ll send out connecting details later. All members will be able to hear the reports from officers, read their presentations and (for most circumstances) vote on all motions during the meeting.

The Secretary will distribute all papers by email to Full Members on Monday 18 May. The email will also explain procedures for asking questions ahead of the meeting.  

[Note: if you missed the email which was sent out on 18 May, you can find the meeting papers under AGM Minutes and Reports. You’ll need to login to view that page. This note added 21/5/2020]

Associate Members may attend on the night, but not vote.

Because we cannot hold physical meetings, different procedures are required for Committee Nominations as below.

Tuesday 12 May         Deadline for Committee Nominations and requesting AOB Motions


Committee Nominations

Nominations sought for:  Vice President,   Secretary,   Programme Secretary,   Competition Secretary and 3 Members Representatives

All Nominations for the above posts should be emailed to ku.co1741582024sotoh1741582024pniw@1741582024yrate1741582024rceS1741582024 by 12/05/20 by BOTH the Proposer and Seconder. Please give the full name of the member being nominated, the Committee role and ideally, who the other proposer or seconder is.

To be clear, each nomination needs two supporting emails, one from the proposer, one from the seconder. Both please cc the candidate.

Any member seeking nomination for a Committee role who does not know personal email addresses for their intended proposer or seconder should email Graham Barber for help at ku.co1741582023sotoh1741582023pniw@1741582023rerus1741582023aerT1741582023.

Requesting AOB Motions

In accordance with The Constitution, any member wishing to submit an additional AGM Agenda item or Motion should make sure that the proposer and seconder inform the Secretary no less than 3 weeks before the meeting.

Procedures are the same as for nominations, with both the Proposer and Seconder needing to mail the Secretary at ku.co1741582023sotoh1741582023pniw@1741582023yrate1741582023rceS1741582023 by 12/05/20.

Adrian Binney
Secretary, WPS

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