Details and how to Enter 2017 Print Exhibition


Classes   Trophy
Class A Beginners Cliff Pinn Trophy
Class B Set of 3 Challenge Trophy
Class C Free Subject D J Cup
Class D Taken in Hampshire Hampshire Chronicle Bowl
Class E Human Portrait Pyne medal
Class F Nature King Alfred Cup
Class G Street Robert Moore Trophy
Class H Action Ronald Toms Trophy
Class I Straight out of the Camera Discovery Trophy
Class J Monochrome – any subject Jubilee Cup
Class K Creative Florence Wilcocks Cup
  Public Vote Murla Trophy


Online Entry: 
Entry will be online via the Society’s website, opening Sunday 1st January and closing at 6.00pm Saturday 28th January. The online entry system is unable to accept late entries. 
Submission of Prints 
Prints should be handed in on any club night from Tuesday 10th January to Tuesday 31st January, but not Later. Please contact the Print Coordinator, Derek Hickman, directly (ku.oc1739651686.coso1739651686tohpn1739651686iw@st1739651686nirpn1739651686oitib1739651686ihxe1739651686) if you are unable to deliver on one of these WPS Tuesday evening meetings. 
Number of Entries: 
A maximum of 30 prints may be entered. Up to 4 may be entered in one Class with the exception of Class B where only one set i.e. 3 images may be entered (and count as one print entry).

Prints must conform to the general rules for entering internal competitions – see WPS Internal Competitions section on pages 10 & 11 of the Members’ Handbook. Prints must be in mounts 40cm x 50cm and no more than 4mm thick to fit into the exhibition frames.

Rules and Conditions for entry 

Full details of the Rules and Conditions can be found on our Terms and Conditions for the WPS 2017 Print Exhibition page.

It is important that you read and understand these.

The judges will be: 
Trevor Gellard FRPS 
Nick Scott FRPS 
Please address any queries to Chris Smith, Print Exhibition Coordinator at ku.oc1739651686.coso1739651686tohpn1739651686iw@of1739651686ninoi1739651686tibih1739651686xe1739651686 

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