

There has been a lot of press coverage recently of incidents involving people taking pictures in public places being challenged by the police. Whilst this has been in part due to a misunderstanding of the law (on the part of the police in particular), we thought it would be helpful to summarise what your rights are and offer some advice if you should find yourself in this situation.

Police stop and search rights under the Terroism Act:

. Every person has a right to photograph in a public place

. It is not against the law to photograph a police officer undertaking normal duties

. The police do have a duty to investigate incidents that may give rise to suspicion

. If approached by a police officer remain calm and polite

. You are not required to give any personal details unless driving a car or are arrested

. Officers have no power to delete images

. PCSO’s may not search without a police officer present

. You must be provided with a copy of the Stop and Search slip which will include the officer’s identity

We all need to be vigilant against terrorism and support the police where possible as well as protect our rights to photograph in a public place.



1. The NAME OF THE SOCIETY shall be the Winchester Photographic Society.

2. The AIMS AND OBJECTIVES of the Society are the promotion, encouragement and enjoyment
of all branches of photography through meetings, lectures, workshops and other activities
aiding Member advancement, and to hold an Annual Exhibition.

3. The Society shall be AFFILIATED TO the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) and be a
member of the Southern Photographic Federation (SF).

4. MEMBERSHIP is open to all those who are 16 years of age and over. For those under the age of
18, membership applications must be countersigned by a parent or guardian.

5. VISITORS are encouraged to attend meetings but attendance is limited to a maximum of four
meetings per Society year.

6. THE COMMITTEE shall comprise three Officers and other Committee Members. The Officers
shall comprise the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The Committee may co-opt
additional Members onto the Committee for specific tasks.

7. ROLE DESCRIPTIONS shall be maintained for all committee roles except for Ordinary
Committee Members, who shall represent the Members in general.

8. OFFICERS and other Committee Members (except for Ordinary Members) shall be appointed
for 3 years after which they may re-apply for any position. The President is normally first
elected as Vice-president, serves a year as President, and then a year as Past President.
Ordinary members are appointed for one year after which they may re-apply for any position.

9. The MANAGEMENT OF THE SOCIETY shall be the responsibility of the Committee which shall
have delegated powers to deal with and decide upon all matters not covered by the
Constitution and may establish Sub Committees as it deems necessary.

10. ASSETS AND FUNDS held by the Society shall be managed by the Treasurer on behalf of the
Society. The Treasurer shall ensure the safe keeping of all funds, track the location of all assets
and prepare Annual Accounts with a financial year end of 31 March. The Committee shall
appoint an Independent Financial Examiner who shall review the accounts.

11. An ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) shall normally be held each May with papers
circulated no less than two weeks beforehand. Officers and, as necessary, other Committee
Members shall present reports. The Treasurer shall submit the Annual Accounts and propose
the Membership and Visitor fees. Business will include the Election of Officers and Committee

12. Additional AGM AGENDA ITEMS AND MOTIONS should be proposed, seconded and submitted
to the Secretary no less than three weeks before the meeting.

13. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING (SGM) may be scheduled by the Committee or upon receipt of a
written request supported by ten or more Members. Members shall be given no less than
seven days notice of a SGM, stating the matter(s) to be addressed.

14. DECISIONS at AGM, SGM and Committee Meetings will be determined by a majority vote with
the Chairperson (the senior Officer present) holding a casting vote. A quorum shall comprise
no less than 15% of the Membership for an AGM or SGM and no less than six (including two
Officers) for a Committee Meeting. Approved minutes will be published on the Society

15. Annual SUBSCRIPTIONS are due on or before the opening meeting of each Society’s year
which will normally run from September to May. The Treasurer shall determine any part-year
membership fees.

16. The CODE OF CONDUCT requires each Member to abide by the Constitution and to:
• act in the best interests of the Society, its Objectives and its Members;
• act as an ambassador for the Society and not in any way to damage its reputation;
• respect the views of other Members, photographers and guests.

17. The Committee reserves the right to TERMINATE A MEMBERSHIP for good reason and repay
any unused portion of subscription. The member concerned has the right to be heard by the
Committee, accompanied if they wish by a friend or representative, before a final decision is

18. The Society may only be DISSOLVED if an AGM or SGM motion to do so is supported by a
majority vote of at least 80% of the membership after which the physical assets will be
disposed of and the Society funds shared equally amongst all members paid up at the time of
the resolution.

19. The Committee shall REVIEW THE CONSTITUTION from time to time and present any
recommendations for change to an AGM or SGM for approval.

This Constitution was adopted at the SGM on 21st May 2013.



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