Help to keep our Society running

This is what you can do:

By joining the Committee There are several core roles up for election the 19_20 season:
  – Vice President
– Member Reps (3)
By becoming a Member Helper Either individually or as part of a small team, in one of the following areas:

– Workshop/Outings 

To do with Membership / Welcoming Members: • Make Member Badges/Distribute Handbooks
• Meeting & Greeting of new members (Sept-Dec_
• Staffing of ‘new member welcome area’ at tea interval
• Staffing the Society Desk – setting up at 7pm, handing out information, leaflets, sign-up sheets, general info, both before start of meetings and in interval
• Sale of tickets at Society Desk for special speaker events (4-5 times per year
To do with General Organisation: • General room set up at 7pm (stand, tables, badges, noticeboards, magazines)
• Publishing skills to assist with members’ handbooks, exhib catalogues, certificates, etc.
To do with Catering: • Refreshments Team members (team of 10+) with working knowledge of tea and coffee making procedures (working on a rota)
• Refreshments Team Co-ordinator to organise the refreshments team, purchase supplies and draw up rota
• Organiser for wine and refreshments for Social evenings
To do with Workshops, Special Interest Groups, and other member events: • Organise/help organise Workshop Programme
• At Workshops – open hall, take payments, provide refreshments
• Organise rotas for Print Discussion Table, Drop-In Photoshop Surgeries, etc
To do with Communications: • Special event promotion
• Help handle content on our social media (Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc)
To do with Competitions: In general:
• Trophy co-ordinator for WPS internal competitions – collecting, engraving, etc
• Assist in organising Annual Prize-giving of trophies at end of season
Specifically for Print Competitions:
• Print Table collectors and sorters of entries
• Title announcers
• Putter-upper and taker-down of prints
Specifically for PDI Competitions:
• PDI Entry Organiser – collect, check and prepare images for projection (does not include actual projection of images on the night)
To do with IT and Technical: • Website: technical input and maintenance (as part of a team)
• Co-ordinate WPS social media presence
• Exhibition Software – see Exhibitions
Meeting & Event Technology:
Each as part of a small team, understanding, operating and maintaining:-
• Projection Equipment
• Microphones, audio, lighting in Performance Hall
• Laptops
To do with Exhibitions: Specifically the Print Exhibition: there is already a team in place for these roles, but additional help and/or replacements may be needed:-
• Promotion and Publicity
• On-line Entry
• Print Collection
• Print Judging Day
• Print Hanging Day
• Catalogue Production/liaison
• Trophy collection, engraving, etc
• Presentation Evening Co-ordinator
• Exhibition Software – technical understanding and operation (as part of a small team)
Specifically the Winchester National Exhibition (PDIs):
• Overall Exhibition Co-ordinator
• Team of 3-5 others

Interested . . . ?
Come and talk to us to find out more about the roles, or email ku.oc1739642354.coso1739642354tohpn1739642354iw@tn1739642354edise1739642354rp1739642354.



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