Winchester Photographic Society Safeguarding Policy
All organisations that work with children and young people under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults have a responsibility to safeguard and promote their welfare.
Winchester Photographic Society (WPS) believes that every child and young person, without exception, has the right to feel safe and protected. WPS has a safeguarding policy applicable to all of its events.
The guidance applies to all members of WPS and guests where children and young people are present. As defined in the Children Act 1989, anyone under the age of 18 should be considered as a child. The guidance also applies to vulnerable adults.
In effect, given WPS membership and guest policy which limits membership to those aged 16-years and over, this policy applies to young people aged 16-18 and to vulnerable adults.
A child or young person under the age of 18 attending a WPS activity or event must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult nominated by their parent or guardian. They must sign in, with that adult, at the Society Desk, on arrival. Forms are available for this.
Code of Good Practice
- Always have a minimum of 2 adults present when in the company of a child or young person.
- Treat all young people equally and with respect and dignity.
- Never do anything for a young person of a personal nature.
- Adults should wear appropriate clothing at all time.
- Notify those in attendance before showing material that may cause offense or is inappropriate for the age group present.
- Ensure appropriate use of new technology including internet use, use of photographs, video/digital equipment and websites including chat rooms and forums when young people are involved.
- Do not explicitly identify a young person in any publicity or promotional material without the parent/guardian’s permission.
- Only allow photographs to be taken of suitable subjects in appropriate situations.
- When communicating directly with a young person who is a potential model gain permission from Parents/Carers and ask them what the most appropriate form of contact for that young person is. It is good practice when using text or e-mail to also copy in the Parent/Carer.
- It would be inappropriate for any member to ask a child who is a member or guest to act as a model without also involving the parent or guardian in that request.
Feedback and suggestions
We encourage all the members to give us feedback about how we implement the safeguarding program. Please do so using contact information:
Contact telephone numbers are shown in the Handbook
The guidance will be reviewed in accordance with all Society documentation and management procedures reviews. The Committee will review/revisit the guidance if there is a major change to the organisation or in relevant legislation.
Policy Communication
This policy will be drawn to the attention of members on joining, on membership renewal and at the first meeting of the season. This will be reiterated if a child joins WPS. It will be accessible from the WPS website and there will be a pointer to it in the annual Handbook.