Set of Three

Set of Three

[from the Handbook – amended to add details of fourth image]

Members submit three printed images that have a single theme, subject or concept of their own choice. All three images are viewed and assessed by the judge at the same time.

The images can be mounted on separate boards or one large one, but the mounting will not be judged.

A maximum of one of the images may have been entered in a previous society competition.

How to enter

  • Use PhotoEntry to upload your images (not later than the Friday before the competition)
  • For the Set of 3 competition you must upload 3 or preferably 4 images
  • Please add a suffix to each image name to indicate its position
    • -left, -middle, -right OR -L, -M, -R
    • -top, -middle, -bottom / -T, -M, -B if arranged vertically
  • You should also add a fourth image which is a composite of the first three showing how they should be arranged.


  • Make sure your three images are printed, mounted and labelled
  • Bring them along on Competition night or
  • ask a friend to take them in for you

Last updated: 8 July 2024