President’s Safari 2024

from WPS Newsletter 459, 2 June 2024

WPS Photographic Safari

Main Event

Friday 14th June
, alternative date Saturday 29th June, or indeed any day in June that suits your team.

Your mission is to take photos at designated locations of a set list of subjects. Get a team of 2-4 members together (Only Gold member per team).

Your day will be based in the Test Valley.

Friends are welcome but their photos can’t be included (however good!).

Prepare for a relaxed, rewarding and enjoyable photographic day.

Please take a few minutes to read through this whole pack. You may want to do some forward planning including looking at a suitable map to get ideas.

To help with communication it would be helpful, but not a requirement, if your team “leader” books into the event via webcollect.

There will be a Tuesday early in the season to show your images and a well known judge will decide the winning team that best matches the set subjects. There will be a prize/s for the winners and 2nd & 3rd .

Any type of camera can be used, however unfortunately due to flight restrictions drones cannot generally be flown.

Your hosts and contacts for the main day and any information are:
Bob Allen
Tony Large
Roger Buchanan


The suggested safari route and timings are:

To start around 9.30 in Stockbridge, perhaps at one of the Cafes or at the White Hart hotel for breakfast, and then make your way to Danebury Hill Fort, then proceed via the Wallops: Nether, Wallop and Over Wallop perhaps stopping at The White Hart Pub in Over Wallop for a pub stop or at Broughton Greyhound Pub for lunch/drink.

Finish with a cafe stop back to Leckford Garden Centre (John Lewis) near Stockbridge. The White Hart also has a car park and they are pleased to welcome us and possibly meet other teams.

A detailed map, showing the suggested route will be available. There may be a couple of surprise stops, published just before the event, so make sure your team is registered via webcollect to get updates.

Subjects for your team Photographs

Image 1 – Antiques / Memorabilia
Image 2 – Street Furniture

Danebury Hill fort:

Image 3 – Danebury Hill Fort/ tree landscapes

En route:

Image 4 – Agricultural buildings
Image 5 – Animals on the farm
Image 6 – Seen better days
Image 7 – A bridge
Image 8 – Church or religious building
Image 9 – Somebody at work or play (could include a club member!)
Image 10 – Any image that captures your imagination!

Each team member should have at least two photos in the competition once you have selected your team entries, with a max of 10 images from the group.
One of the images should also be prepared as a Print for the competition night.

There is no restriction on using images in other club competitions.

Optional additional stops?

If you look at the map area there are a number of places of interest, some of which will charge an entrance fee, which your group may decide are worth a visit. However the suggested route will probably use all of your time.

File Numbering and Formats and entry

Team name (A, lostfocus, etc) and image number, eg
A1, A2 etc.
File format should be JPEG as per normal club PDI competitions and entered via photo entry.
One of the team’s 10 selected images should be presented as a Print on the night Closing date for entries of PDI s – July 5th the day after the election!

We look forward to seeing your results and may the best team win and all have lots of fun!

Bob Allen

from WPS Newsletter 465, 14 July 2024


Reminder Closing date for Safari Images is Monday 22nd July

Image entry info:

Each of the final ten pdi images selected can be entered once by either one team member or by individual team members. The 11th image is a print and can be from any of the classes and can either be a print of one of the PDIs or a separate print. ie you can have 11 images or 10.

Also, please note there is a limit of 50 characters for the Title so if they have long team names they may be restricted.  If this does happen they can just shorten the name on the Title and let Stephen Cooper or me  know the full name.

Entry Title in the format:<Team Name> <Category Number> <title>


BokehBoys 9 bar work 

It doesn’t matter who does the upload then as long as they all use the same team name in the same format when you do the upload, then they can be matched together for the competition night.

Do not make multi entries of the same image.

Closing date for entries Monday 22 July

Competition Night – President’s night at Littleton on Tuesday 8 October 

On the night one of our own society judges will rank each image on a numeric scale. The winning team will have the most points overall including the print. The best print will also win a prize. There may be other prizes on the night!

from WPS Newsletter 478, 13 October 2024

Presidents Evening – 8th October

WPS President Bob Allen writes

It was great to see so many of the society at our evening at Littleton.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all nine participating teams for their submissions that captured the beauty of nature, wildlife, and the adventurous spirit of our “safari’ experience.

An event like this doesn’t happen without support, and I am grateful to all of who contributed the food and with the help setting up and taking down.

I would especially like to thank Eric for setting up the competition on the night assisted by Steve Russell and thanks to Steve Cooper’s Instructions on the first of this type of competition and helping people upload their entries.

Big thanks also go for one of our own Judges Bob Hart who survived the evening without being shot down and even said he enjoyed it!

Last but not least thanks to Roger Buchanan and Tony Large for ideas and testing the route.

Photograph_R11 – Hopeful Fisherman by Corinne Kozok winner of Round 11 for Prints.

Congratulations to the Winners of the WPS Safari Photo Competition!

It was a very close competition with the first two teams having exactly the same score but on count back the results were

  • 1st – with three 9.5s, the Gang of F4 : David Welchman, Simon Merryman, David Moorman and Trevor Morecraft
  • 2nd – Kings Worthy Klickers : Sara Strange, Jo Grimes and Eric Blake as very close runners up.
  • The last round print winner was Corinne from team Photograph

Please note that images that were part of the Safari can still be entered into club competitions

Looking Forward

I really enjoyed the whole thing and I think those that took part had a great time as well.

Stay tuned for announcements of upcoming events, and we can’t wait to see what you will capture next time! Our vice president Carey has said she will carry forward the Safari idea.

Bob Allen

Best images from the Safari evening – judged by Bob Hart

The gallery shows the 28 images (out of 99 entered) which scored 9 or more.
The image names give the Team Name, Round number and score as well as the image title.

For the final Print round you had the option to submit one of the PDIs from an earlier round, which his why some images appear twice.

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