Temporary Tuesday Meeting Venue
Temporary Tuesday Meeting Venue – November 2021 to February 2022
As announced at the WPS Welcome meeting on 7 September 2021, the Discovery Centre will be closed for refurbishment from around mid-November 2021 to February 2022.
Past President Trevor Morecraft, Vice President Tony Large and I visited an alternative venue, the Hampshire Record Office in Sussex Street near Winchester Station. We will be hiring their cinema.
It’s a smaller facility with a tiered theatre. However, because it’s a record office, they have excellent ventilation and air conditioning.
Getting there
If you park in Tower Street car park, it’s slightly closer on foot than the Discovery Centre.
Some people have asked why we are not using facilities such as those at the University of Winchester.
Unfortunately they don’t offer any community rates and are all charging around £600 per night, which is more than twice our current evening rate.
More details to follow. This note is just to reassure you that we have a temporary Tuesday meeting venue while the Discovery Centre is closed.
Dr Lilian Hobbs,
WPS Membership Secretary