Events on News Headlines Page Side A

Events or Links that may be of interest to members

We are looking at providing a page with links to events that could be of interest to members.

For now we are including such links on this news page. We would welcome feedback from members regarding this.


The International Federation of Photographic Art – Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique, or FIAP 

WPS Autumn Lecture 2019 – David duChemin

His webite is :


WPS: Guest Speaker – Paul Goldstein – 10 September 2019

His webite is :

Is photography dead ?

The Renowned film director Wim Wenders hits out at ‘phone photography’

See the BBC news site. is a free learning site by macro photographer Johan J. Ingles – Le Nobel geared towards budget-conscious intermediate level macro photographers who want to know how to do extreme macro photography and the equipment that we use.



RPS DIG website

Royal Photographic Society Events 
Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) Diary Dates 

Chris Button 27-Feb-2018 Landscape Photography

Chris Button has kindly provided some notes from his talk to the WPS.   See the “Advice / Tutorials / Workshops” page or use this direct link. Note this opens a PDF.



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