SWT WPS Hat Fair PDI Competition

WPS Hat Fair Photography Competition – in association with the Hat Fair and South West Trains

The Prize:

There will be one winner, whose image best reflects an aspect of this year’s Hat Fair.

The winning image will be made into a poster and hung at Winchester Station for thousands to see plus the author will receive two day return train tickets which can be used on any of the South West Network .

The WinnerThere will be one winner, whose image best reflects an aspect of this year’s Hat Fair. 
EntryOpen to any WPS member 
Closing dateMidnight Saturday 22nd July 2017 
ImagesImages must have been taken at this year’s (2017) Hat Fair 
Number of entriesA maximum of 5 PDIs 
SizeTo fit in a 1920 x 1200 pixel size box and maximum 2mb file size. I.E. our normal PDI sizing. 
File typeJPG only 
Naming Convention

e.g. louise brown_man in a hat.jpg

Keep to the the characters listed below.  e.g. no apostrophes

 QuestionsRegarding the competition to Nick Townley, ku.oc1741612658.coso1741612658tohpn1741612658iw@tn1741612658edise1741612658rp1741612658 

Regarding the upload, to Gordon Brown ku.oc1741612658.coso1741612658tohpn1741612658iw@ce1741612658spmoc1741612658 or Gerard Carlin ku.oc1741612658.coso1741612658tohpn1741612658iw@yr1741612658aterc1741612658eSTI1741612658



Closing date midnight Saturday 22nd July 2017

Entries are now closed

If you exceed the 1920 x 1200 resolution you may break your file upload and need the help of the Digital Projected Image Secretary, or the IT Secretary to fix your upload. The phone numbers are also in the Handbook.

If you have not used the upload tool before please first read the instructions and see the diagrams further down the page.

It is possible to upload more than one file but you need to upload one image at a time.

You can rename or delete the file after you have uploaded it.

The Hat Fair  Competition Naming Convention is:-

Name is your full name, spaces are allowed between each name
Title is the title you have chosen for your image. The first letter of each constituent part of the title must be uppercase, and again use spaces between words
The separator is an underscore NOT a hyphen
For example:- John Smith_My Man in a Hat or in full on the computer, John Smith_My man in a Hat.jpg

Please make sure You do not include apostrophes in the file name. Only use A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 and _ or – (i.e. underscore or the minus sign).  Also do not use characters like à, â, ê, è or é.
 The image file is a “.jpg” and not “jpeg” or “jpf” or other file types.
The “jpeg” and “jpf” are not recognised by the server and will not be displayed.


The instructions.  

The instructions below are generic for the League upload. Use the file name rules above for your images.

Remember to logoff when finished.

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