Terms and Conditions 2018 Print Exhibition

Winchester Photographic Society’s 85th Annual Print Exhibition 2018

Terms and Conditions for the WPS 2018 Print Exhibition

1 Entrants Entrants must be fully paid up members of Winchester Photographic Society 
2 Cost of Entry Cost of entry is £2.00 per image except for Class B which is £2.00 per set. 
3 Number of entries 30 images maximum. No more than 4 images per Class except in Class B where only one set may be entered with each set counting as 1 image towards the total number of images. 
4 Images An image must not have been accepted in a previous Winchester Photographic Society exhibition. 
5 Copyright Entrants must own the copyright of all elements of their images and may be asked to provide suitable evidence – failure to do so may result in disqualification. 
6 Entry No entry shall be eligible for more than