WNE 2020 Rules For Entry

Rules for Entry

  1. The Organisers are Winchester Photographic Society (WPS).
  2. Entrants: Entry is open to any photographer, amateur or professional, who is resident in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, isle of Man, and also BFPO addresses.
  3. Entry Method: Entry is by digital upload only via Winchester Photographic Society’s website. Entries will be accepted between 1 May 16 May and 30 June 2020 and must include payment of the appropriate entry fee, either by Paypal at the time of submission or by cheque.
    You do not have to complete your entire exhibition entry in one session. Our software allows you to upload images, save them and return at a later date (within the entry period!) to amend/delete/add more images.
    Please take care to enter your personal details accurately, as these will be printed in the catalogue exactly as entered.
  4. Entry Fee: £1.50 per image; minimum fee of £6.00.
    Payable via Paypal or cheque made payable to Winchester Photographic Society and sent to WPS Treasurer, 17 Gillingham Close, Kings Worthy, Winchester SO23 7RL.
  5. Classes: There are five classes:
    • Pictorial Colour: Colour Images on any subject and of any style will be judged on pictorial merit (i.e. the use of the photographic medium as an art form). The emphasis is on interest, visual impact, composition and technical excellence. Images may be manipulated in camera or on the computer, but ‘altered reality’ images that have been visibly manipulated should be submitted in the Creative section.
    • Pictorial Monochrome: Monochrome Images (one colour plus white) on any subject and of any style will be judged on pictorial merit (i.e. the use of the photographic medium as an art form). The emphasis is on interest, visual impact, composition and technical excellence. Images may be manipulated in camera or on the computer, but ‘altered reality’ images that have been visibly manipulated should be submitted in the Creative section.
    • Scapes: Land, sea or urban views. People or animals may be included but should not form the main subject of the image
    • Creative: Any subject, including abstract images abstract and ‘altered reality’ images
    • Nature: Depiction of all branches of natural history as defined in the common definition of Nature Photography agreed by PSA, FIAP and RPS.<