Enter the 2016 Print Exhibition

Winchester Photographic Society’s 83rd Annual Print Exhibition 2016


Click on this link to Enter 2016 Print Exhibition


Each year the Society has invited photographers, both members and non members, to submit work for its exhibitions. Due to the success of our new Open Winchester National Exhibition (Projected Images), the low entry from non-members and the large increase in entries from members for our Open Print Exhibition in 2015, the 2016 Print Exhibition will be for members only. This will increase the number of members’ prints that can be accepted. 
Members are invited to submit their work to this exhibition which will be held in Winchester’s Discovery Centre from the 21st May to the 12th June 2016. Three eminent judges will select work and award Trophies and Certificates of Merit in the various classes listed below. 


Classes   Trophy
Class A Beginners Cliff Pinn Trophy
Class B Set of 3 Challenge Trophy
Class C Free Subject D J Cup
Class D Hampshire Landscape Hampshire Chronicle Bowl
Class E Human Portrait Pyne medal
Class F Nature King Alfred Cup
Class G Street Robert Moore Trophy
Class H Action Ronald Toms Trophy
Class I Straight out of the Camera Discovery Trophy
Class J Monochrome – any subject Jubilee Cup
Class K Creative Florence Wilcocks Cup
  Public Vote Murla Trophy


Online Entry: 
Entry will be online via the Society’s website, www.winphotosoc.co.uk opening Sunday 14th February and closing at 6.00pm Saturday 12th March. The online entry system is unable to accept late entries. 
Submission of Prints 
Prints should be handed in on any club night from Tuesday 23rd February to Tuesday 15th March 2016 But not Late