Annual Exhibition 2021 Results
WPS 88th Annual Exhibition 2021 Results
We learnt on 24th February that the City Space Gallery will not re-open until 17th May. As a result, the WPS Annual Exhibition 2021 will be an exhibition for digital images.
Judging was completed and the results posted here ahead of the Online Exhibition by the Hampshire Cultural Trust which runs from 13th March to 18th April.

The Online Exhibition includes a form for visitors to order prints.
A printed catalogue will be issued to all entrants and to other members of WPS on request.
Out of 583 entries in 10 classes, 252 images were accepted for the exhibition.
Of those, 55 images were either class winners or were awarded Certificates of Merit.
Visit the Annual Exhibition 2021 Gallery on this website to view the accepted images.
Awards and Acceptances
All 252 accepted entries are listed by author in the table below.
Click on the other headings to list entries in any chosen class.
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