Competition night 19 January 2021
Competition night 19 January 2021
Judge: Jim Pascoe
Important details about the competitions and how to enter.
In particular, see under the Set of 3 tab below.
Winning and Highly Commended Images
After an interesting and instructive judging session by Jim Pascoe, the winning and highly commended images in each competition were:
(the Highly Commended images are shown alphabetically by member name)
Set of Three
George Walsh Trophy – Documentary and Photo-journalism
from Competition Secretary
Set of Three
- 1st Matt Jones Sin City – Neo Noir Storyboard
- 2nd Kelly Long – Under the surface
- 3rd Roger Dixey – The Watchers
- HC Tony Smith – Lockdown Selfies
- HC Trevor Morecraft – The Eyes Have It
- HC Gordon Brown – Rugby Coaching at Winchester
- HC Ann Erkut – New Forest Fungi
- HC Angela Cook – Hear no evil, see no evil, spread no evil
- HC David McKibbin – Covid Escapism
- HC Ray Hems – Fungi
George Walsh Trophy – Photojournalism and Documentary
- 1st Tony Smith – Hmong Buffalo Trader in Ha Giang Vietnam
- 2nd David McKibbin – Extinction Rebellion – Protest or Party
- 3rd Eric Blake – COVID New Years Eve
- HC Gordon Brown – The Race
- HC Joanne Parker – Covid times, 2020.
- HC Mike Shaw – Fed Up at the Avignon Festival
- HC Ray Hems – Sinking Dustcart in July Heatwave
- HC Sue Binney – This is how you stretch sugar
Our first competition night, 19 January 2021, is the special evening of two themed competitions, the Set of Three and the George Walsh Trophy.
Each competition works as a single competition open to all members.
We don’t separate the entries into the four different classes which apply on League Competition nights.
Traditionally these are print competitions but of course they will now be online as everything else is.
In the first half of the evening we will judge the Set of Three (So3).
In the second half we have the George Walsh trophy for documentary and photojournalism.
Judge: Jim Pascoe BA ABIPP ARPS

Jim Pascoe is an experienced SCPF Level 3 judge and member of the Highcliffe & Infinity Photography Club
With his wife Nicky, also an experienced photographer, he has been running Jim Pascoe Photography since 1998.
Jim last judged for us shortly before the first lockdown in Print Round 3 on 18 February 2020, which was also the Mono Competition.

Set of Three
[from the Handbook]Members submit three printed images that have a single theme, subject or concept of their own choice. All three images are viewed and assessed by the judge at the same time.
The images can be mounted on separate boards or one large one, but the mounting will not be judged.
A maximum of one of the images may have been entered in a previous society competition.
Moving the So3 online means that we have had to work out some additional steps for you.
Short Version
(see under the So3 Notes tab for full details)
- Use PhotoEntry to upload your images (from Wed 6th to Wed 13th Jan)
- For the Set of 3 competition you can upload up to 4 images
- The first three must be your set of three images. They must fit within the normal sizing of 1920px wide by 1200px high. They do not all have to be the same size. You may also, for example, have one portrait and two landscape oriented images.
- The upload system will ask you to give a Title for the Set.
- To make the sequence clear, you should name the first three individual images Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.
- We strongly recommend that you add a fourth image with the name Combined to show how the panel would have been arranged if you’d been able to use physical prints. See example below. This also has to be a jpg of max 1920w x 1200h.
- To help you create the combined image, Competition Secretary Gordon Brown has created a PowerPoint template. But if you prefer to use other software, such as Photoshop or Affinity Photo, that’s fine.
- If you don’t feel able to create this combined image please upload your three separate images then send us an email and we’ll create one for you. Details under the Notes tab.

Set of Three notes
by Competition Secretary Gordon Brown
PowerPoint Template
Click on the image to download the PowerPoint template

How to use the Powerpoint Template
The George Walsh Memorial Trophy
[from the Handbook]
This trophy is awarded to the winner of a print competition on the theme of documentary/photojournalism, in memory of long-standing WPS member George Walsh.
- Documentary photography provides a straightforward and accurate representation of people, places, objects and events. It is used to chronicle events or environments that are significant and relevant to history, as well as those that show everyday life.
- Photojournalism, associated with street photography, employs images that tell a story, usually news-related, in a creative, entertaining and informative format.
For results from recent years, see George Walsh Trophy and the Set of Three
amended Weds 20 January 2021 to add official results list from Competition Secretary and correct and error in the display of winners in the Set of Three competition